True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Put that cellphone away!

I'm convinced cellphones will be the death of society.
Thankfully, no foolish moron never whipped one out with me while on a date!

Why even bother with the number exchange if you have no plans of calling?
Haha that is another story.

So, when the number exchange takes place. Don't expect a phonecall.
Expect the endless texting convo which  is super impersonal.
How can you get to know a person that way!?!?!?

First off, today at the freakin' diner all I heard was some guy texting away with the sound of his phone on super loud.
It sounded like (tick...tick...tick...tick... times 37,823)
The girl didn't even seem to care, but that would send me running to the hills.
It's my pet peeve!!!! I need callers!!!!

Ultimately, numbers will not be exchanged and it will be Facebook pages or something like that!! Ahhhh the way of the future..
What do you guys think?


1 comment:

  1. This is why everyone should have the phone that I have-- the old school one that has (gasp) no Internet! I have dropped it a million times and it has lasted me about three years so far. It even came back to life a few times. I never had a problem with it. Of course the newer phones feed into the online social networking trends because cell phone companies know that suckers are addicted to them.

    Society is going backwards! Instead of meeting or connecting with people in person, people are resorting to Facebook, online dating, and texting. It is so impersonal....and sad. I have gotten guys ask me, "What's your Facebook" rather than asking me for my number. I laughed in their face.

    In the dating realm, callers are rare. It is easier to text or send an email in case of rejection. There is definitely insecurity (or secrets, which is another topic) behind the keypads.

    Also, texting is convenient. We live in a busy world and try to get as many things done as possible. Multitasking backfires because people can't focus on who they want to get to know better.

    If people are doing the usual interview of the other person through means other than face-to-face, how will they interact when they finally meet in person? The conversations would be so dull and uncomfortable. Example:
    Guy: I read in your bio/status that...
    Girl: You look different in your profile picture. You look heavier now.
    Guy: That picture was so last year. Let me show you a more recent one. (Gets out phone). Oh, I have three texts. (Tap, tap, tap.)

    Texting while on dates is very rude. I hated hearing the dumb Blackberry beeps. Guys, you better keep your phones with you at all times or else you will have suspicious girls like me go through your phone! My intuition was right. It's as if the guy had another life-- and girl-- on that phone.

    The takeaway: if the first mode of contact is not a phone call, then that person is either not serious or is just not into you!
