True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh, what the hell.

I really am a good girl.

I don't lie, I don't cheat.  I don't leave work early, I don't exaggerate on my resume, and I'm honest on my taxes.  I am also incapable of dating more than one person at the same time.  Some say I'm really picky about who I date.  Maybe I am.  A little.

So from that standpoint, I suppose making out with a strange guy in a bar counts for "going wild" in my book.  Right?

I don't intend to repeat such crazy behavior often.  And it wasn't about that guy (who, as it turns out, is from Ireland and just out of University working in the States installing sheetrock--um, does that make me a cougar?), and it wasn't about the making out (although it has been far too long).  Rather, it was mostly about something in me that just wanted to do something out of character, something memorable and non-routine, something to make me feel alive and wanted.

Check, check, check.

Trying to stay positive,

Friday, July 22, 2011


So I get this phone call today from this half-faster.

The background information: This guy is a former friend's ex bf.
I'm suddenly available "meat" to this guy.

He calls me today, saying, "I have something I got to ask you, but I can't say it." I just kind blow this question off. It was weird!
He then proceeds to talk about running forever!
He gets back onto having to ask me something, but he can't do it.
I asked, "What is it?" Nothing gets to me when it comes to embarrassment.

To make a long story short, guys must commit when asking a female out!
I know he is going to call back in a few days with enough balls to complete the asking out task. Unless he read this then he won't call. I don't know. So far we have almost 6,000 hits. I know you people are reading. Do I know who? Nope. Do I care? Not really. Haha.

Fully commit when you ask girls out!
Here is the line you have to say:
Would you like to go to _________ for dinner (insert Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday here)? You must insert the day here otherwise I'd def blow the guy off. I wouldn't think he is serious at all. Especially if you use this exact format. But I can't say no to a fan of the blog!

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cosmopolitan: August Edition

Dear Cosmo,

Can you please change? I wasn't feeling this month's issue at all...
Can you be anymore redundant?

Used- to- be- Love,
The Disbeliever

Miss Kim Kardashian is on the cover? What does this girl do?
Why is she every guy's dream? I don't know...
She is pretty, but work out your ass.

I had a lot of wants this issue: I want a gold 14k style dress (just like Miss Taylor Swift in her Covergirl ad), Lancome Paris makeup eye shadow, Nike Lunarlon running kicks, Maybelline falsies mascara, Crackle nai lpolish... Ok.. I'm off track this is not guy related. They definitely did a great job selling products this issue. That's about it though. The articles stunk!

Some highlights are: "How Old Should You Be When You Get Married" (p. 40) Woman should hold off until their late 20s. The reason for this is because it gives you more time to learn about yourself. Um, makes sense to me... I'm mid-20s now men haha.. Just so y'all are aware of my situation.

"Being Buds with Your Ex" (p. 45) Yeah it ended, but you and your former fling shared pretty key moments.Why not bury the hatchet and hang out? I cannot bury the hatchet if it is still in my ex's back. Haha just kidding. I don't understand why this magazine is saying to hang out with an ex. Time is limited! Why waste time on something that already didn't work out for whatever reason?

"How Kim Stays On Top" (p. 46) Kim Kardashian's article. I read it. Didn't pull anything good out of it. Can I have my five minutes back? The only good thing about this article is the title.

"The Sexy Confidence Guys Love" (p.53) Good old Justin Timberlake. What does this man want? He wants"
  • Don't give a Damn- He likes a woman who doesn't personally care if others like her
  • Tell an X-Rated Joke- Nothing better than a pretty girl with a nasty mouth
  • Know Your Style- Wear what feels best for you
  • Try Anything Once- Don't shut anything down without considering it
  • Let Him Do All the Work- Enjoy the experience of what's happening now, instead of planning what is yet to come
  • Own your Emotions- Guts to say exactly how you feel
  • Be a Babe Among Boys- Hang with the guys. Don't try to be one
  • Call Him Out- Calmly explain if he messes up in your relationship
Thanks for the good advice JT. Call me anytime day or night. I'm what your looking for haha...

36% of men say they are more attracted to a woman if she is using an IPad. (p. 68) EWWWWW!
"A Cosmo App for Your Guy" (p. 69) How many guys would really get this? Ever wish your BF or husband had the magical ability to know exactly what you want? Guess what! It's not going to happen so just tell him. A Cosmo App will not solve this issue.
"Do you notice if your girlfriend could use a pedi?" (p. 84) 80% YES!So go for those pedicures ladies.  

"Guys Rate 50 Sex Moves" (p. 110) Figure it out already! Geez.
"Are You Texting Him to Death"  (p. 118) Answer is yes! Just text him to mainly to send across a quick message. Anything else is an overkill! A quick sorry if you f-ed up. "I'm sorry, let's talk tonight." If you guys are at work, text for tonight's plans. Or after spending three nights together and all of a sudden you're apart. Text to show you're thinking of him.
I love the stories Cosmo writes.Whether it would be about surviving a rape, some type of attack or this months

"Being forced into being a sex slave" (p. 161). It is definitely sad stuff, but interesting. At least I feel like I'm expanding my mind a little bit from reading it. I always turn here first when the magazine arrives.  
 "Invasion of the Redheads" (p 166) I did dye my hair red for the 4th of July. I didn't get the idea from this magazine. I thought of it all by myself. I liked my red hair. My mother wanted to disown me from the family. Mostly postive feedback. A few negatives. According to Cosmo, if you want people to notice you, go red. According to Disbeliever, if you want redheads to notice you go red. Redheads are not my thing unless your name is Garret. Haha. Shoutout to Garret. I think he is the only attractive red-headed guy I've ever. Conan O'Brien has a hot factor as well. I think it is just because he is so freaken funny. Men are attracted to people who stand out. If you believe redheads are unique, sexy, and fearless the odds are you will become more of a hot-blooded man magnet. I enjoyed the change while the 28 washes lasted.

That pretty much sums up this months. As you can tell I wasn't into the magazine at all. Maybe I'm outgrowing it! Ahhh should I now read "Time"?

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7

Thursday, July 14, 2011

100th Post!

"You're tooooo picky." I heard these words today! I thought about this and concluded ~Nope. I'm not looking for Mr. Perfect here!
I'm looking for Mr. Perfect for me (as cheesey as that sounds). That is it!
I know exactly what I want. I place high expectations on potential dates.

I consider dating a learning experience. It is fun meeting new potentials with the possibility of it developing into more.

Dating can also be the ultimate mind fuck.
I'm not here to play games with you, or be the mother you've never had.
I found that to be the trend with past boyfriends. Nothing is more unsexy then mothering a man. You should do this or do that.
Figure it out on your own, Mr. Pathetic.
You can't be with someone else when you don't have your shit straight!

What am I hoping for in the next guy?
The next guy I date seriously I hope is "the one." Yes that is a lot of pressure, but I'm not playing games anymore. I know what I'm looking for and what I want in a man. Now you guys all have some catching up to do!

If you guys are all like holy $hit I better keep my distance from her..well most females think this way from 25 on.
Why get into a relationship with someone if you can't see yourself marrying that person?

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7