True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Friday, June 29, 2012

5am text

A.I should have known this guy is the ultimate loser and B. Really JUST REALLY it is all I could think of saying!!!

Guy: Come to (address)
8 is waiting for you k! You baby bye haha seriously I'm embarrassed for this loser and his actions!!!! How can you act like this at 25? Plus his breath stunk!!! He also tried to force feed me drinks I HATE that!!! Grrrr

<3 Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7

Ugh I found the biggest loser ever!

So ladies if you get sad ever over men refer to my G.. (Mr. Music video) story!!! I met up with him quickly after a race!!! He called while on the way home. That was the first problem... OMG!!! I still can't get over it! This is the icing on the cake story!

First of all I walked in the bar. I thought maybe it would just be us. It was me and all of his cell phone selling coworkers!

I was introduced to all of them and remember none of them.. That is their lasting impression on me. I got a dollar beer miller light! Big spender here!!! I forgot how gross dollar beers are!!!!!! Wow nasty!!!!

Icing on the cake he goes when was the last time you had sex? I told him yesterday! It was a joke... He goes really then I said a couple months ago... He said 2 weeks ago!!! He said I will be having sex tonight. My head alarm goes off to run!!! Haha! The balls I should have slapped him and left! Looking back I wish I did slap and run!

So this guy also wound up not paying any attention to me at all! Running off with this girl and that girl! I felt like it was worse than a college frat party!

To make a long story short I snuck out the backdoor thanks to one of my friends! Now he has called 3 times and it is getting late! For his sake he better hope I do not answer! He will be a dead man!!!!

Tired of loser boys!!! This one was 25 and acted 15....

<3 Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cradle Robber

At work there is a cute guy with a nice smile that I often see in the kitchen when I'm preparing breakfast or lunch.  The other day I noticed his picture on our bulletin board of new hires, which said he was a Summer intern.  Hmm, I thought.  Is he a grad school intern?  So I stalked him on LinkedIn (don't judge--I'll bet you do some form of online stalking sometimes, too) and found out that he is an undergrad intern.  A senior in college.  He did have his high school info on his profile as well, so unless he was some kind of Doogie Howser, I'd put him at about 25.

Sheesh.  I normally don't like going that young.  My age radar must be a little off lately...

Trying to stay positive,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blushing on the Bus

You know why girls are drawn to the bad boys?  The players?  Because they are so good at flirting!  If you ask me, guys don't compliment girls enough (and cat calls do NOT count).  So when the bad boys say something nice and throw in a wink and flash a bright smile, it's all a girl can do to not wet her pants right then and there.  Flirting is fun!

I have a couple of guy friends who live across the country, and I often exchange flirty messages with them.  I think my shyness goes away with them because they're "safe"--they live across the country, so nothing will ever happen and I can say whatever I want.  Right?

Today I was involved with one such exchange while riding the bus home when I caught myself smiling ear to ear while I was reading a message.  What was I doing?  When is flirting just flirting, and when is it time to stop?  What would I do if that guy all of a sudden decided to move back across the country?  Then I shook my head and realized this is not something I should over-think.

Yeah, ultimately I want a relationship.  And for now, if all I can get is some fun flirting, I'll take what I can get.

Trying to stay positive,

Things women wish men knew

I'm not always a fan of the cheesy "fluff" articles in the news, but I actually agreed with most of this article, so I thought I'd share.  Men, take notes.

Things women wish men knew...

Things women wish men knew...
Men often ask the question, “What do women want?” A wise person once answered, “If you want to know what women want, ask them… one at a time.”

Since that’s an impossible task for any man, I asked several single ladies to share what men really don’t know about them and what they look for in a date. Guys, you might find their answers surprisingly myth-busting in some instances, while others might validate what you already believe. Either way, hopefully these insights will give you the inside track on understanding women better and improving your dating skills:

1. You risk it all if you wait forever to reach out to a woman who interests you. “Supposedly, men and women are on different timelines when it comes to making contact,” says Mary L., 38, a resident of Washington state. “Guys take their own sweet time to call us for a date and follow up afterward. But the older we get, the less tolerant we are of the waiting game. Guys, wait too long to get in touch — or be inconsistent in how often you’re in contact with us — and we will lose interest. Patience has more of a shelf life than you realize.”

2. Not all women who date are looking for a serious relationship. “Guys think we’re all on the same ‘dating for a relationship’ track. But sometimes, we just want to date casually,” says Los Angeles native Marcie R., 29. “We’re just happier being upfront about it. Guys seem to have a harder time admitting that’s what they want right now. That leads to hot and cold behavior, which women hate.” Not looking to get serious? Send those signals out from day one. Don’t start seeing a woman and then back-pedal like crazy when things get heavy. It’s much better to find a girl who’s OK with casual dating, too.

3. You’d be surprised about what women find to be genuinely sexy in a man. Guys, do you think you’re dazzling women with your bravado, squeaky-clean look and manly stubbornness? Well, maybe. But guess what? Women think that a man dressed in a plain t-shirt and a pair of hot jeans is truly sexy, so avoid anything too trendy, loose or ill-fitting — the classics are fine. Women love it when you ask for their advice. (OK, except when it comes to directions... that’s why you have a GPS in the car. At least one of you needs to know where you’re going on dates, right?) And according to a recent Daily Mail survey, 93 percent of respondents said that if you are fixing, building, making, or cooking something specifically for a woman, the chance that you’ll get lucky just went up exponentially.

4. Being a cheapskate is a deal-breaker for women. There’s plenty of debate about who should pay for a date. Some people think that men should always pick up the tab, while others opt for a more practical “let’s take turns” approach. Regardless of who pays, a man who comes off as being cheap is persona non grata in a woman’s world. “Cheapness is the kiss of death for me,” says Linda W., 37, from Virginia. Focusing on how much the date costs, handing coupons to a waiter or refusing to tip service people adequately can make a bad impression on anyone and will usually nix your chances for a second date.

5. Women struggle to make a connection while remaining independent, too. First dates can be like visiting an amusement park; at first, you’re thrilled with the flashy, colored lights and the sense of anticipation. As things progress, you find yourself alternating emotionally between rip-roaring excitement and the onset of dating burnout. You might feel a pressing need to just chill out at home and get a sense of normalcy by going through your regular, single-life routine. So, men, relax and realize that you’re not alone — women ride the same emotional rollercoaster that goes along with dating someone new. Like you, they vacillate between wanting to be in a relationship and craving independence, especially as they age. Finding the right balance is the key to satisfying these needs, regardless of who you are. Nobody healthy and sane wants to be defined by his or her relationship, and these days, women are more independent than ever before.

6. They call it “women’s intuition” because they are adept at reading nonverbal cues if something feels “off” with a date. Women have great instincts. Yes, this is a stereotype, but stereotypes often contain a grain of truth. So, men, it’s better not to lie or become emotionally distant when she questions you about things like dating each other exclusively or what you did last weekend. Chances are she’ll know something is amiss, even if you think you’re sparing her feelings by lying. Even if you fool her once, you’ll have to keep your story straight, which isn’t always easy to do. And once a woman thinks she can’t trust you, it’s the kiss of dating death.

7. No woman wants to be your mother (or a carbon copy of her own). Women and men alike have grown up hearing that, in the words of the famous Al Jolson song, a guy wants a “gal just like the gal that married dear old Dad.” But smart single women, as much as they may adore their own mothers (and will grow to loves yours, too!) are not looking to be anyone’s mommy when it comes to dates. They know the difference between a man who lovingly respects his own mother and one who requires around-the-clock babysitting, emotionally or otherwise. Parenting another adult implies major control issues, no matter who is doing it — plus it’s just plain creepy.

8. It’s the little things that matter when it comes to impressing a woman. If you want a woman to feel like she’s special, really pay attention to her; notice the small things, however unremarkable. Women will grown more attracted to you if they realize you are genuinely interested in who they are as individuals and the things that matter to them, no matter how trivial. Remembering something minor about her appearance, interests, lifestyle or behavior — whether it’s her favorite flower, preferred drink or what color dress she was wearing on your first date — all add up to win you big points in the game of love.

9. Women are slower to end relationships than men, even short-term ones. “If a new relationship isn’t working out, we’re less likely to dump you without warning,” says 28-year-old Trish C. from Virginia. “When men do that and run off, we think less of them. Even from a short-term relationship, we extricate ourselves slowly to make sure we’re respectful, ready and not making a mistake. But the signs that we’re planning to leave are usually there if you pay attention.” So, guys, if your gut tells you that things aren’t working out, you’re probably right. If you decide to end things first, though, give her the same courtesy she’d give you by telling her in person and avoid the vanishing act. You might think you’re being kind by sparing her the dreaded breakup discussion, but in reality, she’d rather hear the truth.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Thoughts from the bus

1.  Call me old-fashioned, but there are rules of chivalry that I believe should not go by the wayside.  For example, if on a full bus with standing-room only for a 45-minute ride, do not let a lady be the one left standing.  I'm young and healthy and perfectly capable of surfing a bus for just under an hour, but I was shocked that not a single gentleman emerged to offer me a seat.  Very disappointing.

2.  On an unrelated note (and a different bus ride), what is it with guys insisting on spreading open their legs as much as possible when seated, even though limited space would make the ride more comfortable for others if they would refrain from doing so?  Does the need to project manhood and let the junk have room to breathe trump giving the lady in the next seat enough room to move?  Get over yourself and get those knees closer together, please.

Men are so stupid sometimes.  If you want to get my attention, try doing something considerate.

Trying to stay positive,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Baby got Game

Go to where the guys are. Sounds simple,right? That’s easier said than done.

Allow me to simplify this, ladies. If youwant a gym rat, meet a guy at a gym. Here is an example of what i did. 

Step one: Go where your "type" is. I went to the gym. This gym hastons of potentials! I would join this gym just for that. Good workout for myeyes. ;)

Step two: Observe. I had some favorites. Duringthis step, I noticed that every guy wore headphones! Men, how the heck can youmack it to a girl with headphones?! You are closing yourself off! So what ifthey have crappy music. A girl’s voice is music to your ears! Hopefully herlaugh is, too. 

Step three: Pick one. Pick one guy whomyou determine as the most "open."

Step four: Plan the scenario, withoutlooking like a stalker. I was on a weight machine, which is in front of a matwhere this guy was foam rolling on his back. He was wincing! I noticed his bright, white teeth immediately! The guy wasin pain, but all I cared about was his nice teeth. (I have a teeth fetish. It’sthe first thing I notice!) I wanted him to keep wincing. No pain, no gain.

I was going to use the foam roller afterhe was done. He went on another machine, so I planted myself right by his keysand workout notebook. He had to come back to get it. Perfect. :)

Step four: Say something, do something. Anything.I had to freakin’ waves my arms around to get this guy’s attention. He did nothear me say “can I ask you a question?” because he was plugged in withheadphones! Case in point.

After looking like a spaz, he unpluggedhimself. 

“I saw you on the foam roller. You lookedlike in so much pain,” I said.

“Yeah, that hurts my lower back,” he said.

“Isn’t it bad for your back?”

“I don’t know. I just do it, but it hurtsa lot.”

“I’m asking because my physical therapisttold me to use the foam roller, but I didn’t feel anything. It hurts on mylower back, too. But I don’t know if that’s my spine or a muscle.”
“I just start at my neck and go slow.”

By the way, I am totally blushing at this point. 

“When I tried it, I didn’t feel anything.Unless I wasn’t doing it right. I have a back sprain.”

“I’m going to get a MRI tomorrow for myshoulder. I think I pulled something when lifting. So I’m trying to cut back onit.”

“Oh, wow. What ortho do you go to?”

“New York (something). It’s in the city. Iwork there.”

“Oh that’s convenient. I go to (majorhospital). I am in physical therapy now, so hopefully it works. I have a bunchof things wrong with me, so I have been cutting back on running and liftinginstead. (I explained my condition to him and he understood. He paidattention!)

“I saw you using the foam roller on yourcalf.”

“Yeah like twice and then I stopped. It hurtsbecause it’s so tight.”

That’s what she said.

“I don’t run. I wish I can say I did, butI don’t.”

“That’s OK! It’s not for everyone. I don’treally like weights either. I find it kind of boring. But you have your music. Ihave my music when I run, or else I would be bored, too.”

Finally, the introduction. I totallyforgot to even introduce myself. I didn’t even care to know his name.

“I’m (Jose) by the way,” he said, shakingmy hand..firmly with direct eye contact!

I returned the handshake with my name as Iwas sitting on the mat and he was standing.

“Wow, that’s a pretty firm handshake yougot there!” I laughed. The handshake felt like it lasted 10 minutes! It was areally good handshake, too. Firm and direct eye contact. This guy means it!

I went to try foam rolling on my back andhe was watching. He told me to go slower. 

That’s what she said.

He went to do another thing, so I continuedrolling. Back to thinking of what to do next. Wait for him? Leave? The gym wasclosing in 10 minutes. I decided to leave before him and not wait. That wouldbe awkward to walk out together.

I went to get my bag and he was standingby an ab machine playing with his iPod. Ugh!

“I’ve had enough of the foam roller. Thanksfor showing me how to use it!”

“You’re welcome. Nice meeting you. See yousoon!”

“Thanks. See you!”

I willbe seeing him.

Ladies, the moral of the story is yougotta go after what you want. There is always a challenge-- in this case,stupid headphones-- and he is the gym. Guys donot part with the gym. It was a good test though to see if he would bewilling to take a break from his sets to help me. 

I normally don’t approach guys, but maybethat’s what women have to do now. There is no way a guy at the gym wouldapproach any girl if he’s plugged into his headphones. He is too busy listeningto Pitbull or something. I’m sorry, but my laugh is music to a guy’s ears!
It does take guts to approach a guy. It’snot something most women do, but I am sure guys don’t mind! They find thatattractive. Be brave!

I hope it “works out.” ;)

Keepin’ it real,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Come up here baby!

"I'll play anything you want to hear," said the DJ! "I noticed that sexy dance you did coming into the club!" Naturally I needed to hear Trey Songz now!!!! He said he couldn't play that. Epic fail for him neither did I get my free drink! Come on guys, have some game!

<3 Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh, what a night

What a night that was!

I hung out with a few friends at the bar where that bartender works. He told me before that he would get me a free pitcher of sangria. I didn’t expect him to do that. He was super busy so there was no time to say anything other than “hi.” The owner sat at our table and asked about us. He read our conversation on Facebook and asked if we are dating.

“Nope. I think he has a girlfriend,” I said.

“Does he? How do you know?”

“I’ve seen evidence.”

“So what if he has a girlfriend. Maybe they’re on rocky terms.”

SMH! What is with men these days? If you are going to cheat, break up. I don’t want to be used and it’s not fair to the girl. I’ve had enough. 

The owner calls the bartender over to ask if he has a girlfriend. He said he doesn’t! I had a feeling though that said he is full of crap. He didn’t sound confident. I wished he would have looked at me and said it.
My feeling said he lied.

The owner asked when we are going on a date. He said he always has him working and doesn’t know when he’s off. I don’t remember what days the owner gave him. We’ll see if that date happens. 

When we asked for the check, the bartender said not to worry about it. A man of his word. I wondered if I was going to get a secret message from him later that night.

Then my gang went on our merry way to a new place. It was poppin’! Of course, the Disbeliever and I got the black men. Black men really have such a prescience and personality! And they dress soooo well. The place closed and the bouncer told us we have to leave. 

“You are so gorgeous. Oh my God,” the bouncer said.

Wow, that was random.

“Thank you!”

“Wait for me outside,” he said.

Was I not going to listen to a gigantic bouncer?

I was talking with my friend and he saw me when he came out the door. 

“I want to kiss you from head to toe.”

Whoa there!

He kissed me on the lips. And left.

My friend said, “That’s it?!”

“Oh, I’m not done. That was a tease.”

Oh my goodness.

He kept coming in and out (haha) because he was managing a fight. He had to change his clothes to ride his bike home. I love me an athletic and eco-friendly man! Mind you, it was 3 a.m.

He comes back and kisses me again. He kept saying how gorgeous I am—in details! He would pinpoint every single thing about me. My dimples were first. Now, these babies are my favorite. I cannot remember any guy whom I have dated tell me that he likes my dimples. So I was loving this.

I generally like to get to know the person I’m hooking up with, so I ask him a bunch of questions. He is in the Army. Seems like a gentleman (although of course they would be on their best behavior to get some). The last time he drove his car was two weeks ago. And he had to go to a security officer training course at 5 a.m. in my town. And he was talking to me until 4 a.m. 

The one major drawback that I have with him is his age. He is 11 years older than me. I have never dated a guy that much older than me. Five years older is the max I would date. But I didn’t feel like I was talking to a much older guy. I didn’t care.

He kept raving about how beautiful I looked and I kind of shrugged it off. All I said was “thank you. I don’t hear that too often.” He didn’t believe me and asked how come I don’t have a boyfriend. I said that they don’t want to commit. 

Again, back to my looks. I said that this is raising my self-esteem. I don’t have low self-esteem, but his compliments raised it higher! He turned me around to my friend’s car so I can see my reflection. He was pointing at every single thing that he likes— some of which I never even thought of! It was really sweet. 

I am very aware that guys will say what girls want to hear. But whatever.

So we had a great time. We exchanged phone numbers. We’ll see what happens.

Oh, and the bartender from the bar did send me a secret message on Facebook saying that he hopes I had a good time. 

I sure did! :)

Keepin’ it real,