First of all... I had this "friend." Let's call him Moose Scarpa... I never felt anything torwards this guy other then friends. Not attracted to him at all! Plus he is like 20 years older than me! All of a sudden he snapped like a pea from the garden in the middle of August with perfect growing conditions.
I believe roughly around Septemberish/Early October he might have made the blog previously. This is the same guy who purchased a nice fleece for my birthday. After he gave me the fleece he was like kiss.... kiss....
That was the first awkward moment. I had to turn super fast to avoid an UNwanted mouth kiss! N~A~S~T~Y
Next there were no awkward moments on my part just the biggest annoyance ever! He would text and text all day long. Finally I lost it when he was like let me pick you up for lunch I'm in the area. I still said NO! I was busy! He was so insistant about coming. Leave me alone and get a life SON! Not to mention when you text rule of thumb is you wait for the person to text back. You do not text 6 times in a row!
1st text: Hey what are you doing?
2nd attempt: (A phonecall)
3rd attempt: Hey did you get my first two attempts? What are you doing?
4rd attempt: You there?
5th attempt: Damn this hurricane sucks! You have power? You there?
6th attempt: Hi what's up?
I wish I could say I was joking about this... I *W~I~S~H*
<3 The Disbeliever Not Believing 24/7
Shocking, true stories from four single girls on the dating prowl that will make you shake your head in disbelief!
True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!
Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Another Circle back!
Circle back: Hey ... hope you are doing good and things are going alright for you ... its been awhile (One yearish to be exact) ... times have change (This line cracked me up!! Times have changed!!! HAHA) think we can try to be friends ???
K (I was going to say OK, but that is toooo long)
Awesome !!! you still have the same phone # ? call me a dork but I never deleted you from it lol
Why not? You should have Why I should ?
I mean like why you think i should of had ???
We didnt click at all lol
Yes we did but I think it was not the right time or something with bad timing lol ... but perhaps we can try it and you will see that we "CLICK" lol
It's either you click or you don't haha.. How was the timing bad?
Well i think it was more me ... I was stupid and stuff ... I know we click but i was doing everything wrong in the book lol ... would like to go out grab some wings and a beer ..or better yet coffee and some yummy dessert ???
No thanks
POW .. you should slap me better hurts less lol
I'm definitely not looking to go out with you like that! Once was enough I'm good for a lifetime... Still want to be friends? Haha
Hahaha But what happen the one time we went out I mean we didn't get to actually do much ... yes I don't care i deserve probably whatever you say but I still going to try ... and YES i do still wanna be friends if you let me
That sounds so desperate... You prob had someone for awhile.. Then they got annoyed with you and bounced.. I really don't know why I popped up in your head? That whole situation is whatever though... So you found your salvation
mmmmmm NO lol .. Is not out of the sudden, No i didn't have anyone for awhile and nothing like that you got it all wrong ... trust me the only person who apparently got annoyed at me its you ... This was on my mind all alone for awhile actually but just didn't really know how to bring it up on you know the whole getting in touch with you again ... So i decided to do it today and no need my salvation for anything ... I been fine chilling doing my own thing working , (He listed every hobby he has and volunteer situation. I do not want to put up the specifics for the world to read. He was very detailed in this part.) I keep myself pretty busy there is a lot you don't know about me and there is a lot I don't know about you and i would like to ... that's all
That's very nice
Well thank you and I would like to get a chance to talk to you more about it and so on ... and yeah not desperate here ok lol ... let me know then when you can then :)
and IF i don't talk to you HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Thanks same to you! Your such a gem!!
That's the nicest thing you have said to me wowowo well you see I'm not as bad as you think haha
I guess you can't joke over the computer
Love the sarcasm there lol ... How was your day what are you up to now days?
Day was fine.. Same old..
Havent talked to you in AWHILE idk what same old means lol ...
Just work..
any big plans for tomorrow night ??
Nope.. You?
hhmmm Well my sister is coming and staying by me for Thanksgiving so we are planing on getting together with a bunch of our friends up in NY to drink and why not
I'll probably wind up somewhere just no plans yet
Nice... well if nothing come up you can always tag-alone with us ... great bunch of people ...
Thanks but no thanks
I just of bet you money that you were going to say that lol
Would you say we went on a date when we hung out or no? Just wondering
Yeah in a way but we didn't get really to talk much and stuff ... I wanted to and still DO want to do it ... go out talk have some dessert or drinks a nice dinner .... even if you still being sarcastic and all ... idk i wanna make it up even if i don't have to ... i wanna make things right
What do you think??
Nope.. It was prob one of my worst times ever
On a hang out maybe the guy who talked about building tunnels the whole team beat you, or the architect for his boredom.. But your ass was annoyingly pushy so I'd say you win for worst hang out ever
- What makes you think I can't make things right or actually take you out to a nice place so we can talk and have some civilize conversation and get to know each other ??
- I'd honestly rather clean my entire closet
- Well i'm an (insert career) is that bad ? hahaha listen we all have our good and bad days ... all I ask is for one chance ... we all deserve one
well you mine closet can also need a clean up now the you mention it lol
It's nice you want to make nice though.. I'm just not feeling it
You get one chance to make a 1st impression we have nothing left to go back to I have seen all
- Well i know you are not feeling it because you are thinking about 2 years ago and that's all ... time pass people change and i'm sure i won't disappoint you
Hahahaha Oh God nice one
but still I know you only get one chance to make a 1st impression but what if i wanna just not to be an impression what if i wanna make it nice so you can remember a better time then a bad time
Wasn't it last year? I doubt you changed that much.. Unless you completely changed your whole entire self..
Nope it was so long ago the i don't even remember lol ... it couldn't have been last year ... 2 years ago yes ... and people grow up and change seriously no jokes no games no agendas .. never had one to begin wit
You suggested beer and wings!! Once again not anything I'd like to do... How do you not see us clicking? I HATE (sport)! It was so boring watching that game I wanted to die
Hahahah i said that just by trowing ideas... i much rather go to cheesecake factory or somewhere else around the area or something a lounge perhaps but all depends what you are on the mood for ... i can fine a nice place we can go out and enjoy ourself a nice date ... I asked you if you wanted to watch the game and all that stuff and you said YES and i was are you sure ... Its ok if you don't like sport ... I'm the one who loves it ... we don't have to like the same stuff to click just so you know ...
Yes you do not all of it but some of it!!
well then IF you stop pretending to hate me for a second maybe you will be able to see the we can CLICK ... but you are just focus on that horible night we had ... when everything started by me taking you to watch sport :/
... and you were looking pretty with that skirt and black shoes short boot style and white top ... i remember :P
Yes I wasted a good outfit!
Im not pretending to hate you... Just not feeling another hang out
Don't see the need for it
It's not being mean it is being real
OK no problem ... got it ... take care and be good ...and if you eve change your mind ... let me know have a good night and have a good day tomorrow
Thanks same to you bye
Our texting chats turned mean. I guess he realized no way and hell would I waste more of my time with him on the a second date.
Maybe if I do something bad so I get detention....
*sigh* I'm just a girl with a crush on the teacher.
My drawing teacher is adorable. And I think it has become quite obvious that we spend the entire class flirting with each other. Yes, we're fun people in general and we make jokes and make the class fun for all. But c'mon folks, we spend the WHOLE class making jokes, and while he does offer me constructive criticism on my drawings, he also picks on me a bit, and I pick on myself, and pick on him for picking on me (ALL forms of flirting). If I were someone else in the class, I'd be thinking, jeez guys, just go on a date already.
So.... about that. What's the protocol here? Is he bound to not make a move as long as he's my teacher? Is that frowned upon? Would it be better form if I made the move? Consider also, that I am hopelessly petrified of making any moves at all (best I can do is flirt--that should tell him he has the green light, IMO). Also consider that he is younger than I am (not sure if that matters, but it may change how you imagine the scenario). Also consider that he is moving to California later this year for school (why is it always California?). So, what can I do?
Also consider--whenever he steps in to make an adjustment on my drawing, I find myself leaning in closer and closer..... I just want to cuddle him. At times I actually have to tell myself to stop it. Normally I can behave in a civilized way without too much thought, but this sometimes takes effort.
Trying to stay positive,
My drawing teacher is adorable. And I think it has become quite obvious that we spend the entire class flirting with each other. Yes, we're fun people in general and we make jokes and make the class fun for all. But c'mon folks, we spend the WHOLE class making jokes, and while he does offer me constructive criticism on my drawings, he also picks on me a bit, and I pick on myself, and pick on him for picking on me (ALL forms of flirting). If I were someone else in the class, I'd be thinking, jeez guys, just go on a date already.
So.... about that. What's the protocol here? Is he bound to not make a move as long as he's my teacher? Is that frowned upon? Would it be better form if I made the move? Consider also, that I am hopelessly petrified of making any moves at all (best I can do is flirt--that should tell him he has the green light, IMO). Also consider that he is younger than I am (not sure if that matters, but it may change how you imagine the scenario). Also consider that he is moving to California later this year for school (why is it always California?). So, what can I do?
Also consider--whenever he steps in to make an adjustment on my drawing, I find myself leaning in closer and closer..... I just want to cuddle him. At times I actually have to tell myself to stop it. Normally I can behave in a civilized way without too much thought, but this sometimes takes effort.
Trying to stay positive,
Monday, November 26, 2012
I wanna F you...
This is from an onliner I never even met before...
Onliner: I wanna "F" you...
Me: Is that how you get the ladies?
Onliner: IDK never tried it before (Yeah right)
Me: :) It is good that you said that because I'm really looking to have a kid like yesterday!!! So I'm game :)
Onliner: We need to know each other a little more before we decide to have a kid though..
Me: Same with (F) ing!!!
Onliner: Well I said I wanna F U, I didn't say it had to be the moment we meet!!
That is my new line! Esp for the guys who creep back!
I'm going to say! Happy your back in my life now because I really want kids.
LOL I really think this will take care of the creeping back once and for all! I will test this theory and let you all know...
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7
Onliner: I wanna "F" you...
Me: Is that how you get the ladies?
Onliner: IDK never tried it before (Yeah right)
Me: :) It is good that you said that because I'm really looking to have a kid like yesterday!!! So I'm game :)
Onliner: We need to know each other a little more before we decide to have a kid though..
Me: Same with (F) ing!!!
Onliner: Well I said I wanna F U, I didn't say it had to be the moment we meet!!
That is my new line! Esp for the guys who creep back!
I'm going to say! Happy your back in my life now because I really want kids.
LOL I really think this will take care of the creeping back once and for all! I will test this theory and let you all know...
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Anti-Hand Holder
Why do males and females hold hands? I do NOT get it! I always feel super awkward and strange doing it. I either feel like A. I'm being lead somewhere or B. I feel like a kid! I even got my ass grabbed while I was holding hands with my for lack of a better term " Xboyfriend" one time! I couldn't understand how that happened while we were holding hands!
Thank you I stand on my own two feet!
When I see others taking part in this activity I think the girl either looks needy, or I honestly think nothing about it at all. I still wonder why people do it though! It is just not my cup of coffee! You have your space! I'll have mine!
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7
Thank you I stand on my own two feet!
When I see others taking part in this activity I think the girl either looks needy, or I honestly think nothing about it at all. I still wonder why people do it though! It is just not my cup of coffee! You have your space! I'll have mine!
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7
Monday, November 19, 2012
I HIGHLY stress!
The importance of smell! It is sooooo important! Men buy Yves Saint Laurent or Armani Acquaint Di Gio! These two smells really do it for me!
We are never, ever, ever getting back together
Over the weekend, I got a facebook message from CT Boy, who is an old high school flame, but I cut off contact with him when I left for college, because it was getting too serious for me (at that time) and I didn't want to begin college in a relationship.
More back story:
At the beginning of 2011, I thought about him (mostly out of desperation because I was on the verge of turning 24 and it had been a while since I was dating someone) and decided to facebook friend him. Over the next month, we reconnected and would chat for hours on facebook catching up over the last 5 years of our lives. Then during the Spring and Summer months, things started to get complicated again as we keep on seeing each other. Just as he was leaving to go to California to start his second year of Americorps, we decided to remain friends and see where things are when he comes back in August 2012. In the fall, he started sending me flirty text messages, and I enjoyed because well who doesn't like attention from guys. Then just after the new year (January 2012), I saw on facebook one night that he changed his facebook status from single to in a relationship (let's call the girlfriend: just boobs). Next thing I know I am balling my eyes out to my roommate and our other friend. He never told me he was dating someone, unless they went on one date and they decided to become a official, but who does that?? I brought up the subject to him the next time he was on facebook, because I was obviously extremely hurt that he couldn't tell me. He denied flirting with me via text and that they began dating in January. Yeah, ok, whatever.... So, from then on I ignored him. Then out of the blue, I get a text from him saying that he was sorry for lying to me and that he felt bad. Ok, but that doesn't help BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! Now, every now and then he will contact me via facebook to see how I am doing. I keep the conversation short and sweet.
If he is trying to keep in touch with me because he wants me to be his rebound girl HE HAS ANOTHER THING COMING!
Doesn't he get that when I don't ever like or comment on his facebook post or never see how he is doing, that I don't want to be friends with him!
This just proves that women are the smarter sex.
More back story:
At the beginning of 2011, I thought about him (mostly out of desperation because I was on the verge of turning 24 and it had been a while since I was dating someone) and decided to facebook friend him. Over the next month, we reconnected and would chat for hours on facebook catching up over the last 5 years of our lives. Then during the Spring and Summer months, things started to get complicated again as we keep on seeing each other. Just as he was leaving to go to California to start his second year of Americorps, we decided to remain friends and see where things are when he comes back in August 2012. In the fall, he started sending me flirty text messages, and I enjoyed because well who doesn't like attention from guys. Then just after the new year (January 2012), I saw on facebook one night that he changed his facebook status from single to in a relationship (let's call the girlfriend: just boobs). Next thing I know I am balling my eyes out to my roommate and our other friend. He never told me he was dating someone, unless they went on one date and they decided to become a official, but who does that?? I brought up the subject to him the next time he was on facebook, because I was obviously extremely hurt that he couldn't tell me. He denied flirting with me via text and that they began dating in January. Yeah, ok, whatever.... So, from then on I ignored him. Then out of the blue, I get a text from him saying that he was sorry for lying to me and that he felt bad. Ok, but that doesn't help BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! Now, every now and then he will contact me via facebook to see how I am doing. I keep the conversation short and sweet.
If he is trying to keep in touch with me because he wants me to be his rebound girl HE HAS ANOTHER THING COMING!
Doesn't he get that when I don't ever like or comment on his facebook post or never see how he is doing, that I don't want to be friends with him!
This just proves that women are the smarter sex.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Work husband??
Since this is my first blog, I will give a brief overview of what this post will be about.
There is this one co-worker, lets call him Short that I have gotten to become friends with over our mutual love for running/being healthy. These 5-10 minute conversations in the kitchen, eventually turned into lunch dates. It became awkward for me because: he wouldn't let me pay for the sandwiches, he knew that I was seeing someone, and he would say that I was beautiful. Especially, after the beautiful comment I quickly tried to avoid him.
Fast forward to this week, yesterday at dinner, a co-worker mentions to the table that Short and I are more interesting than the current guy that I am dating. I was like OMG HOW DO PEOPLE KNOW WE WERE GOING OUT TO LUNCH/WHY DO THEY THINK THERE IS SOMETHING BETWEEN US. I know that all of my co workers are probably doing it in a joking/fun loving way, but it has annoyed me because I am seeing someone that I care about, and I don't want them thinking that I am cheating or whatever.
Then I saw him this morning, where he started saying he was going to send me an e-mail to ask how I was doing. Thank god he doesn't have my personal e-mail address and just my work one. I made sure the conversation was extremely brief and made my fast exit from the kitchen.
From talking on the phone with a friend, he think that I may just have a work husband.
Has this type of thing happen to other people, where co-workers develop stronger feelings for you?
There is this one co-worker, lets call him Short that I have gotten to become friends with over our mutual love for running/being healthy. These 5-10 minute conversations in the kitchen, eventually turned into lunch dates. It became awkward for me because: he wouldn't let me pay for the sandwiches, he knew that I was seeing someone, and he would say that I was beautiful. Especially, after the beautiful comment I quickly tried to avoid him.
Fast forward to this week, yesterday at dinner, a co-worker mentions to the table that Short and I are more interesting than the current guy that I am dating. I was like OMG HOW DO PEOPLE KNOW WE WERE GOING OUT TO LUNCH/WHY DO THEY THINK THERE IS SOMETHING BETWEEN US. I know that all of my co workers are probably doing it in a joking/fun loving way, but it has annoyed me because I am seeing someone that I care about, and I don't want them thinking that I am cheating or whatever.
Then I saw him this morning, where he started saying he was going to send me an e-mail to ask how I was doing. Thank god he doesn't have my personal e-mail address and just my work one. I made sure the conversation was extremely brief and made my fast exit from the kitchen.
From talking on the phone with a friend, he think that I may just have a work husband.
Has this type of thing happen to other people, where co-workers develop stronger feelings for you?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
"You give me education in the lovesick blues"
In an effort to do fun things and distract myself from stress, I've been taking a drawing class for a while now. It's a figure drawing class, so we learn a little bit about anatomy, and draw from live (nude) models every week. Everyone in the class is so nice, and we always have fun with each other every week.
So..... I may have developed a bit of a crush on my teacher. Cliche? Perhaps a bit. But he's adorable. And funny. And quite intelligent. And when he comes by during class to help me with my drawing, I feel the sparks. You know, when you get near someone and can just feel the electricity run up your spine? Yeah, that.
No idea if anything will come of this, but I just thought I'd share.
Trying to stay positive,
So..... I may have developed a bit of a crush on my teacher. Cliche? Perhaps a bit. But he's adorable. And funny. And quite intelligent. And when he comes by during class to help me with my drawing, I feel the sparks. You know, when you get near someone and can just feel the electricity run up your spine? Yeah, that.
No idea if anything will come of this, but I just thought I'd share.
Trying to stay positive,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
more from the Yay Science! files
I love this stuff. The science of love! Enjoy this article I saw recently on how the brain works when evaluating attraction.
The brain on dating
Science Explains Instant Attraction
By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer | – Tue, Nov 6, 2012
How do you know when you're attracted to a new face? Thank your medial prefrontal cortex, a brain region now discovered to play a major role in romantic decision-making.
Different parts of this region, which sits near the front of the brain, make a snap judgment about physical attraction
and about whether the person is Mr. or Ms. Right — all within
milliseconds of seeing a new face, a new study from Ireland finds.
The research is the first to use real-world dating to examine how the brain makes fast romantic judgments.
To conduct the study, researchers recruited 78 women and 73 men, all heterosexual and single, from Trinity College Dublin to participate in a speed-dating event.
Like any typical speed-dating night, participants rotated around the
room and chatted with one another for five minutes. After this
meet-and-greet, they filled out forms indicating whom they'd like to see
But before the speed-dating event, 39 of the participants had their
brains imaged. Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine
(fMRI), researchers recorded the volunteers' brain activity as they saw pictures of the people they'd soon meet
at the event. For each picture, the volunteers had a few seconds to
rate, on a scale of 1 to 4, how much they would like to date that
person. They also reported their physical attraction to each person and
how likeable they thought each person was.
Speed-dating for science
In the next few days, the volunteers met face-to-face with the people in the pictures, during the speed-dating event.
People turned out to be pretty good at knowing who interested them
based on photographs alone, the researchers found. Some 63 percent of
the time, their initial, photograph-based interest in dating a person
was backed up by their real decision after their five-minute speed date.
The dating event, incidentally, was all aboveboard, said Jeffrey Cooper,
a psychology researcher who conducted the study while he was a
postdoctoral student at Trinity College. Participants who "matched" with
another study volunteer really did exchange phone numbers, and between
10 percent and 20 percent ended up getting in touch with each other
later, Cooper told LiveScience.
'We joked quite a bit that we hoped there might be a wedding someday, but no invitations have come through yet," he said.
More intriguing was what the brain was doing to make those judgments.
The researchers found a link between one specific region of the medial prefrontal cortex,
called the paracingulate cortex, and people's ultimate decisions about
dating. This region buzzed with increased activity when volunteers saw
photographs of the people they'd later say "yes" to.
"We think it is especially involved in comparing options against a
whole bunch of other options, or some sort of standard," Cooper said.
Meanwhile, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex,
which sits closer to the front of the head, became especially active
when participants looked at faces they thought were attractive. But
there was a catch: This region was most active when looking at faces
that most people agreed were hot.
Of course, people don't always agree on who looks good. When people saw
a face that tripped their trigger but didn't get great ratings from
others, a different region activated: the rostromedial prefrontal cortex, a segment of the medial prefrontal cortex located lower in the brain.
"That region in this moment may be doing something like evaluating not
just 'Is this person a good catch?' but 'Is this person a good catch for me?'" Cooper said.
That role makes sense for the rostromedial region, he added, because
the region is known to be very important in social decisions. Among the
judgments this region makes is how similar someone else is to you. Given
that people tend to find similar folks attractive as potential mates,
the rostromedial prefrontal cortex could be saying, "Hey, this one
matches us!"
There are two ways to look at the results, published in the Nov. 7
issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. One, Cooper said, is that we're
pretty shallow. In the first few milliseconds of seeing a new face,
we're evaluating physical attractiveness. But the rostromedial prefrontal cortex goes a bit deeper, very quickly asking, "Yeah, but are they compatible with me?"
"These really are separate processes," Cooper said. "But they really
are both happening in your head as you make those initial evaluations."
Trying to stay positive,
Saturday, November 3, 2012
It's the end of the world as we know it
Setting: Dunkin Donuts Tuesday after Hurricane Sandy...
Characters: Me
My moms!
Pan in (widescreen shot) us just chillen minding our own business...
All of a sudden this elder jumps out from God knows where...
Guy: I would like to ask you out on a date sometime
Me: (Judging the guy intently) I'm sorry I have a boyfriend. (Not true, but I was not interested in him because he was 125 years older than me!)
Mom: (Gets really red)
Guy: (Guy hurrys off with tail in between his legs)
Me: OMG how old was that guy? Gross so nasty...
Mom: He looked around 40.
Me: I thought he is like 60.
Gross! Gross! Gross!
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving! 24/7
Characters: Me
My moms!
Pan in (widescreen shot) us just chillen minding our own business...
All of a sudden this elder jumps out from God knows where...
Guy: I would like to ask you out on a date sometime
Me: (Judging the guy intently) I'm sorry I have a boyfriend. (Not true, but I was not interested in him because he was 125 years older than me!)
Mom: (Gets really red)
Guy: (Guy hurrys off with tail in between his legs)
Me: OMG how old was that guy? Gross so nasty...
Mom: He looked around 40.
Me: I thought he is like 60.
Gross! Gross! Gross!
<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving! 24/7
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