Over the weekend, I got a facebook message from CT Boy, who is an old high school flame, but I cut off contact with him when I left for college, because it was getting too serious for me (at that time) and I didn't want to begin college in a relationship.
More back story:
At the beginning of 2011, I thought about him (mostly out of desperation because I was on the verge of turning 24 and it had been a while since I was dating someone) and decided to facebook friend him. Over the next month, we reconnected and would chat for hours on facebook catching up over the last 5 years of our lives. Then during the Spring and Summer months, things started to get complicated again as we keep on seeing each other. Just as he was leaving to go to California to start his second year of Americorps, we decided to remain friends and see where things are when he comes back in August 2012. In the fall, he started sending me flirty text messages, and I enjoyed because well who doesn't like attention from guys. Then just after the new year (January 2012), I saw on facebook one night that he changed his facebook status from single to in a relationship (let's call the girlfriend: just boobs). Next thing I know I am balling my eyes out to my roommate and our other friend. He never told me he was dating someone, unless they went on one date and they decided to become a official, but who does that?? I brought up the subject to him the next time he was on facebook, because I was obviously extremely hurt that he couldn't tell me. He denied flirting with me via text and that they began dating in January. Yeah, ok, whatever.... So, from then on I ignored him. Then out of the blue, I get a text from him saying that he was sorry for lying to me and that he felt bad. Ok, but that doesn't help BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! Now, every now and then he will contact me via facebook to see how I am doing. I keep the conversation short and sweet.
If he is trying to keep in touch with me because he wants me to be his rebound girl HE HAS ANOTHER THING COMING!
Doesn't he get that when I don't ever like or comment on his facebook post or never see how he is doing, that I don't want to be friends with him!
This just proves that women are the smarter sex.
That is why I say don't ever worry if a guy breaks up with you!!! They will always come back!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you want to cut this guy out, why respond to him at all, even in a short and sweet way? Don't respond at all! In fact, consider de-friending him on facebook. Facebook is the devil, I'm convinced. It is a vehicle for creating drama.