True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I've had a lot of little crushes in my life, and in many cases they get married, and my crush dies a quiet little death as I move my attention to something else.  There was one crush I had in college, and  mostly after college, on a guy I didn't know very well--we went to college together, and he was friends of many of my friends, but just an acquaintance of mine.  But like many folks, we connected on Facebook and perhaps got to know each other better through that outlet.  That was more when my crush started--I realized, dang, that guy is cute, why don't I remember much of him from undergrad?  He seemed to have a way with the ladies, too, so it was obvious I wasn't the only one who thought he was attractive.  Too bad I couldn't make something happen back then....  Even though we never really talked, every once in a while he'd send me a private Facebook message commenting on something happening in my life--usually a kind of sympathy when something bad was happening.  I appreciated that greatly--I always take it kindly when someone understands a rough patch I'm going through, and you'd be surprised how seldom folks really reach out and be kind in those circumstances.  The fact that it was coming from someone I didn't know meant even more.

The years went by, though, and I saw that he got married.  Another one bites the dust, I thought, and on I went with my life.

Then the other day, out of the blue, he sent me another private message saying something about my art (which happens to often be of nudes these days).  I didn't think much of it, since he's sent me messages out of the blue a few times in the past--only strange thing now was that he was married, and what on Earth would he be after since we weren't really close friends?  Since I was online when I got the message, it turned into a bit of a chat, that took a few very weird turns, like how he seemed to be a bit of a player back in his college and post-college days, and he was disappointed that he never got to see me naked.  Um...... wha?  We were talking about naked people anyway, so it wasn't totally out of left field, but wow, pretty inappropriate.  I thanked him for the compliment (what girl doesn't like to hear that a guy wants to see her naked?), and did my best to change the subject.

Ugh.  Is it too much to ask to find a guy who likes me who is actually available? I'm really not that picky, but that is a mandatory baseline.  Men are such pigs.

Trying to stay positive,


  1. Asking that a guy actually be available is most definitely NOT picky! You obviously deserve above and beyond, but I know what you mean. These days, I just crave a guy who is NICE to me, who won't play games.

    1. I know, right? I kind of laugh when people assume I must be still single because I'm being picky. Clearly they don't know what I'm dealing with.

  2. Haha the unhappily married men! Got to love them.. Mine have been quiet now... They must have moved onto others... They want to see if they still "got it" It is for their egos!
