True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Is your husband or boyfriend a runner?"

Remember me? Realist here checkin’ in with the remix.

There is a lot on my soundtrack. Crazy stories that I would love to blog, but it would take me a lifetime to write everything.
I should be on a dating reality show with all the stuff that I attract. I am writing about this one because I value the opinion of my readers.
As I was walking to the gym, I realized I had left my water bottle in my car. The guy parked next to me had his window down and asked about the kinesiology tape on my legs. It gets so much attention and is a man magnet!
“Is that a tattoo?!” he asked.
“No. It’s therapy tape,” I said. Then I explained what it does.
“Oh, I was gonna say that I can’t believe you would get a tattoo like that. If I had legs like you, I would show them off.”
Whoa, there! Here we go haha.
Keep in mind that I am cracking up the ENTIRE time of this conversation. I wish I had a film crew with me!
“What do you do for your legs?”
“I run.”
“I can see. I don’t run. I just lift.”
“How much do you lift?”
He said it but I could not follow. I had no clue what he was talking about.
“I have no idea what you said,” I laughed.
“Do you run marathons?”
“No. I am not a professional! My first marathon is in April in Long Branch. Half marathons are my longest race.”
“I don’t know. For all I know I could be talking to a f#$%#ing famous runner!”
I continue laughing, really loud.
“Is your boyfriend or husband a runner?”
I laugh so loud that China can hear me.
“Do you date only runners?"
“I prefer runners but it would be awesome if I dated a pro….or a celebrity.” I paused. “Are you trying to figure out if I am single?"
“Well, what about your boyfriend or husband?”
“Oh my goodness!"
“I am sorry for cursing. I hope that didn’t offend you.”
I actually did not realize he cursed, but I didn’t say that I didn’t notice. I like a man who is cognizant of his language and tries to be gentlemanly!
“Well, I don’t curse…..”
“Oh I’m so sorry! I won’t curse anymore. Just for you."
I laugh some more.
“You don’t need to curse. Don’t. Stay the way you are.”
Hmmm…smooth talker.
Then we talked about what we do for work. He is an engineer.
“Where are you going now?”
“To the gym!”
“Oh, I am going to go to Signature (another gym) to get a protein shake.”
We talked about protein shakes. Ey, don’t judge me.
Then we talked about where we live. Of course he was wondering if I ever got shot or mugged, considering I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the US, but I love it here. “Danga” is my middle name.  Scandalous is my first. ;)
“I am moving though,” I said.
“Move in with me!”
“Wow! You are very forward!”
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”
I keep laughing. I didn’t know what else to say!
He gave me his number and said he hopes to hear from me so we can go out one day.
I do not know how I feel about this. I only saw him from his torso up. He wore a hoodie. He is not who I would consider as a potential. I was turned off by his forward approach, especially with that boyfriend/husband question. I HATE when guys ask that! Just say you are digging me and want to take me out! Men are such wimps. I can understand why though. I gave the poor guy a hard time haha all I did was laugh! I was caught off guard and found it funny that my tape was the bait. It sure works! He had a firm handshake though. I like a man who means it!
I thought it was so funny that he asked if I would date a non-runner since “runners tend to date other runners”. Actually, yes. I prefer to date my own breed. Running is a big part of my life and I would like to share that with someone who has the same interest. I know I am being very rigid by wanting to date a runner. If he does not run, then he must have some sort of athletic hobby and be in shape. Fitness is a non-negotiable quality in a man. That, and the guy must be not shady. It’s all I ask!
I should suggest a running date with this guy. He better be faster than me!
I don’t know if I will contact this guy. I wasn’t feeling it. His game was terrible, but I thought the conversation was funny because of his lack of game. I give him credit though. It is not easy. Should I give him a chance? If I do, I don’t want him thinking I am leading him on if I end up not liking him. I don’t feel any attraction toward him. Looks are not the only thing, but I feel like this guy would fit well in the friend zone.
To date, or not to date? That is the question.
Keepin’ it real,


  1. Well, I prefer to try not to judge someone by their game, since it isn't really indicative of how they are as a person (facing someone you like is a stressful situation).

    Normally if you're not feeling it, as you say, that's a very easy answer--not feeling it, no reason to explore further. But the fact that you're even asking about it (and writing about this story after months of no writing, rather than any other story) tells me that even though you don't say it, you are at least a little intrigued and interested. That being the case, why not? One drink to get to know someone isn't a big commitment, and you might have fun.

    The exception would be if you felt your safety at all compromised, which can sometimes be the case with a complete stranger. Trust your instincts on that one.

    1. Haha you are so introspective! I just felt like writing because I have not written in a while, and it's a good one. I am torn on what to do. You're right. I did write about it, which does show some interest. Ehhh not feelin' it though. I'm not motivated to contact him. But it does not hurt to go out for a drink.
