Can't even fight that remark for the good of the country!
If I were to go though my dating history I have the record of finding the worst guys possible. Is that why I have been single for over the past 2 years? Possibly YES! Her advice to me is to expand my circles. I really have to broaden my horizon. I'm around the same people a lot of the times.
What should I do to find fresh meat? Nooo I don't actively seek out men..
Just tired of the same places and types of guys.
A piece of fruit made the skeptic happy! Men it is time to really step it up here. Why should a girl be so in shock to receive a piece of fruit? It is a nice gesture, but was he unloading lunch? Just trying to be nice? Is there another reason? Very sly move. He has to be more direct, although it is a work situation. Is he testing the waters? After all, it was just a piece of fruit.
My ideas on facebook... I'll post to people.. Guess what? It means absolutely nothing! It is just facebook.... Same goes for online, texting, and instant messaging. I'm talking to a lot of people this way. Your talking to a lot of people this way too. It is not a personal way of communication. The only personal way of communication is face to face time. Everything else doesn't matter. To summarize: I mean nothing by my facebook, instant messages, and texting comments!!!
Girls he is just not that into you if... he doesn't ask you out after a month.
I will give a guy a month for exclusive status. That's it... To string a person along is never sexy and neither is checking up on them. If a guy is truly interested he would jump at the chance to be with you. Even if he worked 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He would find the time. Otherwise, He is Just Not That Into You. (Amazing book. Everyone should read it males/females. Doesn't matter!)
I went on a date with this guy.. He said I really want to make this work with you blah blah blah... Called and texted... I just wasn't that into you... Sorry you had the world's worst first date idea ever. I won't post it here, but it was terrible! I still can't get over that terrible date! Ask me for details if your curious.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE gay guys! I find them super attractive. I realize I never stand a chance. They care about style and have such a great personality.I can get a tattoo of a penis on my vagina. Will it be enough for a gay male? Joking people. Yes, this is a complete generalization, but guess what....I'm writing and your reading!
Livingsocial or group on need to offer dating 101 classes.
I can dissect what you guys are doing wrong! Until then wise up, and get a clue.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Right? If a stupid orange makes me so happy, I must be really deprived of romance. Where are all the great men??
It's SAD when our standards are so low that things like fruit and politeness win us over. I actually wrote a post about this awhile back.... my married friend was shocked that I continued dating a sub-par guy just because he was nice:
ReplyDeleteHe's Just Not That Into You is my dating rule book. Once a guy has my contact info, he makes the move. If he doesn't message within a week, he's done... if he contacts me after that, it means he is bored/horny/etc. No thanks, I am not an afterthought.