Are there any faithful guys
out there?
I got a secret message from a
bartender at a place that I go to a lot. He added me on Facebook after my post
on his bar’s wall that said the bartenders should get a raise for giving me ice
for my injured leg. I was running near the bar (not to get sangria) and I hurt
my foot so I went to get ice. It was nice of him to give me ice.
The bartender commented on my
post and said he hopes he gets a raise and that he’ll see me soon. I said I
will be there on Friday. Well, I did not go there on Friday. I went to another
place with a patio to drink sangria. Friday came and I did not go. He commented
again, saying he did not see me on Friday. I said that I went to another place
with a patio to drink sangria, but it was terrible. I told him I will never
abandon that bar and that I will be back soon.
He said I had better not
abandon him when he is there. I said that I will give him a good
tip when I see him. (I did not mean anything sexual.)
Then he adds me as a friend.
I noticed that we have the same birthday! I posted that on his wall. I said,
“Party at the (bar)!” He said, “Or AC.” Wow!
I stalked his Facebook and
saw no sign of a girlfriend. He had a few profile pics with him and some girl
from two years ago. I figured they broke up, especially since he did not have a
relationship status on his profile.
So far so good. He just
graduated with his masters. We share the same birthday. Looks single. So far so
good! He is three years younger than me. But whatever. I’ve dated three years
younger up to five years older…and they’re still immature and don’t know what
they want.
Then he secret messaged me!
Oh boy. Ladies ,beware the secret message! It's shady!
Him: Rangers yes.. but
sore loser no... (on his wall post I said ew that he is a Rangers fan.)
Me: haha ok then...I best be going to
sleep. I have to get up in 3 hrs. Ugh -.-
Him: me toooo then work I
better see you!!!
Me: haha don’t worry you will! I can
never abandon the (bar).
Him: you can’t abandon me when
I’m working. That would suck. How old are you?
Me: I am three years older than you.
Him: Not too bad. Lol
Me: Bad for what?!
Him: Three years is nothing
lol! AC on 626 (bar) for weekend! I’m down.
Wow he is
making plans already!?
Me: I have work on 626. June 22 I am
going to NYC.
Him: where is my invite!?
Me: the hotel is already booked.
Him: I get comps, sweetie.
Me: OK well my room is booked!
Him: Nice nice.. well the bar for the
weekend! We MUST take a shot together. If we don’t I’ll be upset! Sweet dreams,
hun. See you soon.
Aww …
Me: OK bye 626! lol
Him: Patron is my friend! You
can have whatever you’d like. It’s on me! 626 for life! Good night. Sleep well.
Me: shot of sangria! lol good night.
Him: Haha
Well that was random. I
didn’t know what to make of it. It was 3 a.m. he probably just got out of
work. He probably thinks it’s fate that we have the same birthday. I would love
to date a guy with the same birthday. I wonder how that would work! I do not
follow astrology, but I wonder what the “stars” would say to this.
What if I dated this guy? I
couldn’t bring any other guy to the bar because he works there. If we break up,
I can’t go there. I know I’m jumping ahead but I was just thinking. I am not
going to reach out unless he does.
Days went by and nothing.
Then I see that he was tagged at the beach with a girl whose profile picture
includes him! Hmph! Her profile also has “in a relationship”, but no name
attached to it.
Shady business!
I should have commented on
that. Why doesn’t he have “in a relationship” or pictures of her? I do not
think they are just dating. Her profile is public so I was able to read
it, and they commented on a few things. They are def dating.
I should go to that bar. I
wonder how he would act. I will even ask him if he has a girlfriend (she is 20
so that gives him the green light to flirt since she can’t legally drink!)
What a disgrace to 626…..
Keepin’ it real,