True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Expo Time

Expos. It’s the time when weird vendors stare at me from across the way. It’s the time when show goers pay for an overpriced outing to meander and look at useless stuff. And hit on me while I am working.
One elder asked me about the eligibility of the promotion. I said anyone 21 and over may fill out the form. He thought I was 22 years old.(God bless him.) I can’t believe that he was flirting with me as his 12 year-old daughter was watching. What a horrible role model! At least get it right or don’t even bother! I hope she learns better strategies from someone else!
He twisted the rules around because his daughter wanted to go on the tip, but he did not want any kids around. He said that he and I can go on the trip together since we are over 21. She really wanted to go, but he said she can’t because she is too young. That is not what I said though. Anyone can go on the trip. Just the person filling out the form must be at least 21. To extend his stay, he filled out a form for his friend, who shortly came thereafter. That was another five minutes. What would normally take someone 42 seconds to fill out, it took 10 minutes. There should be a time limit on completing these forms.
While he was signing his name, dotting every “i” and crossing every “t”, his daughter asked me if it’s true that she would not be allowed on the trip because she is too young. The only thing she is too young for is that blue makeup that she wore under her eye…and boys. I did not wear makeup until I was in high school, when I learned how to put it on right. I had my first boyfriend in junior year of high school. It was actually the best relationship I’ve ever had, which says a lot about the dating world and the quality of men now. How times have changed.
After I told the girl the truth, she grabbed her dad’s arm and said she can go on the trip. He looked at me, looked at her, sighed, and played it off as a huge misunderstanding. “I guess you have to come then,” he said.
She can take my place.
I would never go with this guy to begin with. I do not know him. I don’t even know his name. He has a daughter. He is divorced. He is old. I am closer in age to his daughter! Above all, he has nasty teeth! His mouth looked like a fan— a gap between every tooth. All of these things are disqualifiers!
That is why he is ineligible.
Is it time to leave yet?

 Keepin’ it real,

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