True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Have you been on a date lately?

Dates are a requirement! I'm not looking for million dollar dates, but I'm looking for SOMETHING. Put some thought into it to show you care!

~What is NOT a date?~

1. Drinks: NEVER count as a "date" ever!!!!!
A guy is just trying to get you "loose as a goose" to get in your pants.

2. Coffee: It's a cup of coffee. It's drink status minus the buzz.
Unless, you have mulitiple coffees then you might be caffeine buzzed.

3. Movies: You're not even talking!

Although good conversation can develop with these three opitions.
I will never count them as dates.


1. A walk in the park: It is an activity! You both are doing something "active" which does not take place in a bedroom! Checkmark for "yes" this is a date!

2. Dinner: Dinner is always a date unless it is a first meeting.

3. A dog introduction: You introduce your dog to his.
Now that is a sign things are getting serious.

4. Running in the park: I don't care if he sees me "sweaty" and "gross." Ladies, if he does not accept you at  your "worst" then he doesn't deserve to see you at your best. The winded look is hot and in for the fall season!

Still questioning what is a date and what is not?
Secret message me! I'll tell it like it is!!!

Then again, guys, you can make some type of plan and conclude with the words "it's a date." That will completely take the questioning out of the game even if you go for coffee.

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7

1 comment:

  1. According to this checklist, I haven't been on a date in years...unless I count the dates in which I've dated myself! I think guys are too lasy and/or too afraid to make moves or risks. Drinks loose them up and it takes the pressure off. I do not like "drinking" dates. It shows that the guy needs to rely on booze to have a conversation.

    I prefer "active dates". I hate sitting around twiddling thumbs. I love your fourth date! I agree that if a guy sees a girl at her worst and isn't turned off, then she's found a gem! But I think guys find it attractive seeing sweaty girls. ;) Sweat is so in for fall! Hahahaha
