True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Drunk Santa Strikes Again~

So I did confront the Drunk Santa as to why I was defriended on facebook..

Me: Defriended? Shorty Ain't got time for that...

Drunk Santa: Hi! I decided to clean my fb up a bi over xmas break. Nothing personal. You're still my friend in real life. Shorty is hot!

Me: Shorty is hot? HaHa that doesn't make any sense, but whatever....

How does that make sense? You are still my friend in REAL life, but not facebook. Did he get a BOYFRIEND finally? Hmmmm

<3 The Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7


  1. Shorty is hot? Am I not hood enough? I don't get it, either.

  2. LoL!!!! Does not make sense! I feel like he is gay!!!

    1. Ha maybe, and maybe that's what scared him away! Although showing me around doesn't have to be called a date, so I don't know what the problem is. I could have been a bff! haha.

  3. His apartment is the neatest I ever saw!

    1. I'm kind of thinking that Shorty refers to you! You ARE hot, after all....
