Work dude is either really not interested, or completely clueless.
When he first started a few months ago, he walked by my desk all the time, and stopped to introduce himself. He was really friendly, so I was interested. After that, I would say hello to him every time I saw him, and every once in a while do some short chit-chat. I even invited him to a group happy hour after work one day. Not sure what other "signals" I could have sent short of asking him out directly (which I have a hard enough time doing in other circumstances, but probably wouldn't ever do at work).
But he stopped saying hello to me. He didn't come to the happy hour. And he doesn't walk by my desk as often (sometimes going out of his way to NOT pass by my desk. Don't ask me how I know this).
So I give up. Next.
Trying to stay positive,
Shocking, true stories from four single girls on the dating prowl that will make you shake your head in disbelief!
True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!
Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.
Monday, April 18, 2011
O brother, where art thou?
I’ve heard that nice guys are everywhere. I meet nice guys all the time, but very rarely are they single, and even more rarely are they also close to my age. I know you are out there somewhere—where are you? My single lady compatriots bounce from one guy to the next, but I have no idea where they are finding you. And I'm not exactly hiding away in my apartment all the time, so I'd love some help with how to find you.
Rather than turn this into a big complain-fest about not being able to find a nice guy, I will assume that all the nice guys are reading this blog (ha!) at this moment, so I will tell you where I am so that you can find ME. I’m a little old-fashioned and a lot shy, so it works better for a guy to pursue me than the other way around. I’ll give you a little help on that. Sound good?
1. I’m online. Yes, on the dating sites (I've tried just about all of them at one point or another). Not very many of you are, as most of the guys who contact me are 54 and, based on the pictures they post, don’t shower very often. Get online! Lots of nice girls are waiting for you there, and the pool of men is disappointing, to be honest, so we would love to hear from you!
2. I’m at work. Yes, I know that you all don’t work with me. But if you were a nice guy at my workplace and you wanted to get to know me, you could set up a “networking lunch” to talk about our careers, and see where things go. How easy, right? I’ll bet there are nice girls where you work, so go for it! If not, there are some job openings here…
3. I grocery shop, run errands, ride the bus, and generally go the places you go. So pay attention! Don’t just turn on auto-pilot, I may be trying to smile at you! Heads up and look alive!
4. I go to museums, restaurants, movies, and all kinds of places I enjoy. Sometimes with friends, but more often by myself. This is a great opportunity for a guy to say hello, yet they never do! Wake up boys, nice girls are everywhere! Say hello! Compliment my smile, say something about the art/food/movie, ask me if I’ve ever been to [insert another museum/restaurant/movie], and boom, you have a date! Don’t be a creep, though—if you say hello and I avoid eye contact and run away, please don’t follow me to the ladies room.
5. I sometimes go to bars, but not as often. I find it really difficult to meet a “nice” guy at a bar. You might find me there, but I’ll most likely be the one scanning the room with a disappointed look on my face, and will probably leave by 11pm. Nice guys—if this is your only strategy, you might want to consider expanding into items 1-4.
Nice guys—help a nice girl out. Tell me, where can I find YOU?
Trying to stay positive,
Trying to stay positive,
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My Plenty of Fish account
I wanted to erase my POF account. I wound up creating an account on another dating site. I saw it off of Facebook. It said "meet other runners." Major distraction and sucked me in big time! I did not erase the POF account and created a new account on this new site.That is an epic fail!!!
I'm now on In my defense these men are hotter and I like this process better. You pick the top three sports you are into. I picked running, skiing, and yoga. They match you up based on that I guess. The guys are much hotter on this site! Along with their hottness, they have interests. Only drawback, while trying to send a message you have to choose from a list of things to say.
I'm now on In my defense these men are hotter and I like this process better. You pick the top three sports you are into. I picked running, skiing, and yoga. They match you up based on that I guess. The guys are much hotter on this site! Along with their hottness, they have interests. Only drawback, while trying to send a message you have to choose from a list of things to say.
Wow this sounds really desperate doesn't it?
I think it is the exact opposite. I know what I want! I don't like wasting any time on something that I know will not work.
Off to erase POF now because I can not be on two dating sites. No way! No how!
*Update R.I.P POF. Now, how many of them will ask where I went?
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Friday, April 15, 2011
Random IMing!!! Stop before you start!
How do random people get my screen name? Why bother me? I get so annoyed when random people IM me! Get a life, buddy. I have no time for you. I had our whole conversation here, but it was way too long. I don't think you guys care all that much. So I erased it.
These guys all have a certain pattern though.
1. Establish a connection
2. Try their hardest for you to remember them
3. Keep yapping no matter what you say. Even if you aren't highly not interested.
Here is a clip from the convo:
Guy: Can you give me any other clues
Me: Here is a clue... If you don't know me don't im me. Who are you?
Convo went on for far tooooo long.
He started again a different day.
Guy: What are u doing reverse psychology?
Me: Nope I just don't give a fuck! I think you're weird leave me alone!
Yes! I found something that worked!
I really hope that guy is an ex bf of some sort.
No other excuse to be so desperate!
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Swing "In" P
Forget dancing with the stars.
I should go on TV and my partner should be Swing In P. Now that would be hot and make for some GOOD TV.
Swing In P update: He hurt his left hand. It had a brace on it.
I never saw the guy as happy as he was today. He said everyone was looking good. He never gave a compliment before! Ever! No one left his class either. Usually a lot of people can't keep up. He yelled, "Now, what kind of music do you all WANT to hear?" He does this all the time. The answer is always meringue or something fast!!!! Everyone kept saying the faster the better.
Puts that "P" in a good mood.
You really need to see the man in action to fully understand what I'm talking about.
Wish I could film it, but don't need a lawsuit on my hands.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
I should go on TV and my partner should be Swing In P. Now that would be hot and make for some GOOD TV.
Swing In P update: He hurt his left hand. It had a brace on it.
I never saw the guy as happy as he was today. He said everyone was looking good. He never gave a compliment before! Ever! No one left his class either. Usually a lot of people can't keep up. He yelled, "Now, what kind of music do you all WANT to hear?" He does this all the time. The answer is always meringue or something fast!!!! Everyone kept saying the faster the better.
Puts that "P" in a good mood.
You really need to see the man in action to fully understand what I'm talking about.
Wish I could film it, but don't need a lawsuit on my hands.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Queen of da Hood
Check it. I have dubbed myself Queen of da Hood. I love da hood. It’s full of personality and different people. I get soooo much attention! I stand out from the crowd. I don’t know how I would survive here with all of this attention!
The hood rats love me here. The second I stepped out from my crib-- no-- before even planting my foot on the step, I hear honk honk honk! I keep walking. Honk honk honk! I turn around. Honk honk! I stop and stare at that fly, red Camaro with rap music blasting out of it. The driver and the passenger were waving at me. I walked closer to see if I knew them. Not that I would, but I’m kind of a big deal in da hood. Word.
They made a right turn at the light and parked. The two B’s got out of their car.
“Do I know you?” I said.
“No. I want your phone number though!” B1 said.
B2 handed me a postcard for childcare services.
“Thanks, but I don’t have kids,” I said.
“Give it to someone you know,” B2 said.
B1 asked for my name and phone number. I gave him the real deal for the good of the blog…and because I did not want to get raped.
“You’ll call me, (my name)?” B1 said.
“Yes,” I said without hesitation (for pranks).
“Bring a friend,” B2 said.
Disbeliever, you have a date!
This is only the beginning. More to come, hood rats!
Keepin’ it real,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Put on Blast
I was chatting with my coworkers when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and it was such a beautiful site. It was Mr. Sexy himself. (He works at the arena in which I work at. Read about him in this previous post: "Where's my wheelchair?")
“One of your coworkers put you on blast!” said the sexy specimen.
He quickly left the scene before I got to say anything substantial other than “what?”
I did not know what blast meant. I thought he meant that one of my coworkers said something over the speaker at the arena and the entire crowd heard it. What do I know? I am just a white girl living in da hood. I have a lot to learn.
I was impressed that he had the (huge) balls to say that in front of my coworkers. I am mad that this coworker, Cove, told Mr. Sexy that I dig him, but he probably said it in a far dirtier way. Cove, I can get my own men myself! I don’t need help!
“One of your coworkers said you want my number,” Mr. Sexy said with his hand on my back.
I love when he puts his big hands on me. I bet he can do wonders with those long fingers.
“My coworker?” I said, putting my hand around his back, too.
“Mhmmmm…” He mumbled, smiling.
My goodness.
“I’ll have to get it later then!” I said with the biggest smile.
I can just imagine what Cove told him. Anyway, I don’t know what to do now. The next time I see him, we will most likely exchange numbers. I am sure he just doesn’t want to hang out. I do not know if I would do anything sexual with him. First of all, it will hurt like a mofo. Secondly, I don’t know if my fascination with him is solely sex for my eyes. I love looking at him. I am not sure if I want to bang him. But then again, I am curious.
Eh, I live once.
Keepin’ it real,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Manscaping? Should you?
Yes men/boys today was 87 degrees in the city of Newark. Summer is just around the corner. Now let's talk manscaping!
As the Nike slogan says, "Just Do It." The more you do for me the better.
I hate hair. Get rid of it! I even dated a guy one time who plucked his arm pit hair out. I LOVED it! As long as I don't see you manscaping, it is all good.
Let me think you were born sexy!
No, I do not think manscaping is reserved for gay males. It is all about taking care of yourself. I almost got a boyfriend to come with me for a pedicure one time. He wanted me to pay. I was a broke college student at the time, so I was not about to pay for his plus mine. He should have gone though because his feet were terrible.
I'll start from feet to hair on how to do yourself up for spring.
I hate male feet! So gross. So nasty. So BLAH!
Before you even think about flip flops, go for a pedicure. Have the professionals file your nails, cut the cuticle, scrub that shit down, and put lotion on your skin. After the initial visit, you can maintain it yourself for summer. Let the professionals help you for the first round.Your nails will be given a nice shape. They also will ask you if you want a clear polish on them. I say go for it. I see a lot of men rocking out clear polish these days. I like it. It is not gay! Also, get a manicure while you're there. This process takes about an hour and is will worth the effort. I notice clean fingernails and toes. Plus, theses places have massage chairs and are super relaxing. Who doesn't like a good massage?
Leg hair/Arm hair: I don't mind it. Keep it
Your male part: I like NOTHING there! It gets more attention that way.
Plus it looks way bigger! Who doesn't want to look bigger? Unless you're Tiger Woods. He is packing a big one. See below.
Back hair/Chest hair: No! I have a few lyrics about hairy guys and the beach.
Here is a piece:
Hair all over your body and chest
Go to the beach in da summer wear a vest
(HaHa I'm the queen on two line raps. I have a hard time piecing the stuff together to write a song, but I can have the ultimate summer anthem on my hands.)
Facial hair: Baby faced is the way to be. I don't want anything scratching my pretty face. If you have a uni-brow like Miss Realist's Ex-whatever, get it waxed!
You are meant to have two separate brows!
Hair on head: That is the only hair I'm a big fan of. Just don't be rocking dreadlocks or cornrows. I don't like dreads because they make me think of hippies. I feel like an animal is about to pop out of someone's skull every time I see some dreadlocks. Cornrows look too hood! Even for me!
Again this is just my opinion. Someone may love you for your hairy back and jungle.
Just not this girl!
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
As the Nike slogan says, "Just Do It." The more you do for me the better.
I hate hair. Get rid of it! I even dated a guy one time who plucked his arm pit hair out. I LOVED it! As long as I don't see you manscaping, it is all good.
Let me think you were born sexy!
No, I do not think manscaping is reserved for gay males. It is all about taking care of yourself. I almost got a boyfriend to come with me for a pedicure one time. He wanted me to pay. I was a broke college student at the time, so I was not about to pay for his plus mine. He should have gone though because his feet were terrible.
I'll start from feet to hair on how to do yourself up for spring.
I hate male feet! So gross. So nasty. So BLAH!
Before you even think about flip flops, go for a pedicure. Have the professionals file your nails, cut the cuticle, scrub that shit down, and put lotion on your skin. After the initial visit, you can maintain it yourself for summer. Let the professionals help you for the first round.Your nails will be given a nice shape. They also will ask you if you want a clear polish on them. I say go for it. I see a lot of men rocking out clear polish these days. I like it. It is not gay! Also, get a manicure while you're there. This process takes about an hour and is will worth the effort. I notice clean fingernails and toes. Plus, theses places have massage chairs and are super relaxing. Who doesn't like a good massage?
Leg hair/Arm hair: I don't mind it. Keep it
Your male part: I like NOTHING there! It gets more attention that way.
Plus it looks way bigger! Who doesn't want to look bigger? Unless you're Tiger Woods. He is packing a big one. See below.
Back hair/Chest hair: No! I have a few lyrics about hairy guys and the beach.
Here is a piece:
Hair all over your body and chest
Go to the beach in da summer wear a vest
(HaHa I'm the queen on two line raps. I have a hard time piecing the stuff together to write a song, but I can have the ultimate summer anthem on my hands.)
Facial hair: Baby faced is the way to be. I don't want anything scratching my pretty face. If you have a uni-brow like Miss Realist's Ex-whatever, get it waxed!
You are meant to have two separate brows!
Hair on head: That is the only hair I'm a big fan of. Just don't be rocking dreadlocks or cornrows. I don't like dreads because they make me think of hippies. I feel like an animal is about to pop out of someone's skull every time I see some dreadlocks. Cornrows look too hood! Even for me!
Again this is just my opinion. Someone may love you for your hairy back and jungle.
Just not this girl!
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Monday, April 11, 2011
It's how big?
Tiger Homewrecker Hot Dog!

Apparently Tiger's Wood's packing one this big! Just in time for The Masters—a 12-inch Nathan’s hot dog that’s stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon and then deep fried. It’s topped with onions, chili and more cheese. Tasty~ HaHa
Really, what are you black men packing down there? It is all that I hear about.
It's the latest rage.
Song lyrics:
50 cent~Look at how she twurk it
the way she work it
make me wanna hit it hit it
heaven when I’m in it in it
if I do not fit, I’m gonna make it!!!!
AHHHHH!!!! He might not even fit!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
But he will make it...
Chris Brown~ Baby we dont need no actresses
Let me tell you what I'm working with, I'm a break your back with this
Let me pull my camera out lets make a movie yehhh
Starring you and me yehhh yehhh, girl
Chris Brown wants to break my back. Geez how violent.
Twista is the common man in both songs. So maybe he is the one packing.
This is just off the top of my head. If I researched songs, A LOT more would be discovered!
They all look the same to me. I never saw an extremely large one.
I never saw an extremely tiny one. I deal with the average Joe's of the world.
*Note* Please no pictures, or texts saying baby the offer is on the table.
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
Apparently Tiger's Wood's packing one this big! Just in time for The Masters—a 12-inch Nathan’s hot dog that’s stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon and then deep fried. It’s topped with onions, chili and more cheese. Tasty~ HaHa
Really, what are you black men packing down there? It is all that I hear about.
It's the latest rage.
Song lyrics:
50 cent~Look at how she twurk it
the way she work it
make me wanna hit it hit it
heaven when I’m in it in it
if I do not fit, I’m gonna make it!!!!
AHHHHH!!!! He might not even fit!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
But he will make it...
Chris Brown~ Baby we dont need no actresses
Let me tell you what I'm working with, I'm a break your back with this
Let me pull my camera out lets make a movie yehhh
Starring you and me yehhh yehhh, girl
Chris Brown wants to break my back. Geez how violent.
Twista is the common man in both songs. So maybe he is the one packing.
This is just off the top of my head. If I researched songs, A LOT more would be discovered!
They all look the same to me. I never saw an extremely large one.
I never saw an extremely tiny one. I deal with the average Joe's of the world.
*Note* Please no pictures, or texts saying baby the offer is on the table.
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
Hello... Dad? Grandpa? Would you like an autograph?
This happens to me at least once a month.
I was walking into a lottery store today after work.
Some guy holds the door for me.
Guy: Hey! How have you been? Haven't seen you around in awhile...
Me: Yeah busy with work. (My brain is frantically processing who this guy is..
How do I know him? Work? Gym? Neighbor? CRRC? Who is this guy?)
Guy: Didn't see you at Dunkin (Donuts) in awhile
Me: O yeah, I quit coffee. (Thanks for throwing me a bone guy)
Guy: I been busy myself working my 3 jobs.
Me: Well, maybe you will win the lottery. Then, you can quit some of those jobs.
Guy: I just want one...
Now this conversation went on for FAR too long.
I'm like who is this guy? These men recognize me from Dunkin Donuts all the time. I feel like a Dunkin Donut celeb.
They are probably just being friendly, but it is super weird to me.
I just don't know what to talk about with these Dunkin Donut men.
All I know is I never talked to this guy previously.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
I was walking into a lottery store today after work.
Some guy holds the door for me.
Guy: Hey! How have you been? Haven't seen you around in awhile...
Me: Yeah busy with work. (My brain is frantically processing who this guy is..
How do I know him? Work? Gym? Neighbor? CRRC? Who is this guy?)
Guy: Didn't see you at Dunkin (Donuts) in awhile
Me: O yeah, I quit coffee. (Thanks for throwing me a bone guy)
Guy: I been busy myself working my 3 jobs.
Me: Well, maybe you will win the lottery. Then, you can quit some of those jobs.
Guy: I just want one...
Now this conversation went on for FAR too long.
I'm like who is this guy? These men recognize me from Dunkin Donuts all the time. I feel like a Dunkin Donut celeb.
They are probably just being friendly, but it is super weird to me.
I just don't know what to talk about with these Dunkin Donut men.
All I know is I never talked to this guy previously.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Ex-tra sensitive
Poll results:
Not as many people participated in this week's poll, but I'll admit I didn't advertise as much as I did last time. This subject is a little touchy. Touchy because Y could read this (if you are, hi Y!). Touchy because there are a lot of people who know us both. But.... look. I feel that these things should be said, and I'll be honest about what I think (I have nothing to hide). I don't think there's any reason for our mutual friends to feel uncomfortable.
Here's the sitch. Things didn't work out between Y and me. It happens. I'm not going to talk about why things didn't work out or any of that because it's in the past. But what is NOT in the past is that I still run into Y often. It was tough at first, because come on, who wants a constant reminder of how happy you were for a little while and how painful it was to end that? But I'm an adult, and I believe I can be very mature about these things, and I move on. I have no hard feelings about it--I will always wish the best for him.
All of my exes have either become good friends or I never saw them again. And for each of them, that was just how the cards fell. I think what happens after a breakup varies greatly depending on how each of you deal with it and how it ended. So this in-between thing that's happening is new to me. I had hoped that Y and I could have been friends, but that doesn't look like it will happen, so that's life. But... if we are going to see each other often anyway, wouldn't you think we could be friendly? Cordial? It's not like things ended with a big blowup fight or a big disaster, it just was the end. So, why the silent treatment? I try to say hello once in a while and make small talk, so could he maybe pretend that I exist sometimes? I don't think it's asking too much.
I don't understand it, and it makes things all the more awkward. It's already been a good amount of time, but maybe it just needs some more time and that awkwardness will go away. Hopefully.
Trying to stay positive,
Not as many people participated in this week's poll, but I'll admit I didn't advertise as much as I did last time. This subject is a little touchy. Touchy because Y could read this (if you are, hi Y!). Touchy because there are a lot of people who know us both. But.... look. I feel that these things should be said, and I'll be honest about what I think (I have nothing to hide). I don't think there's any reason for our mutual friends to feel uncomfortable.
Here's the sitch. Things didn't work out between Y and me. It happens. I'm not going to talk about why things didn't work out or any of that because it's in the past. But what is NOT in the past is that I still run into Y often. It was tough at first, because come on, who wants a constant reminder of how happy you were for a little while and how painful it was to end that? But I'm an adult, and I believe I can be very mature about these things, and I move on. I have no hard feelings about it--I will always wish the best for him.
All of my exes have either become good friends or I never saw them again. And for each of them, that was just how the cards fell. I think what happens after a breakup varies greatly depending on how each of you deal with it and how it ended. So this in-between thing that's happening is new to me. I had hoped that Y and I could have been friends, but that doesn't look like it will happen, so that's life. But... if we are going to see each other often anyway, wouldn't you think we could be friendly? Cordial? It's not like things ended with a big blowup fight or a big disaster, it just was the end. So, why the silent treatment? I try to say hello once in a while and make small talk, so could he maybe pretend that I exist sometimes? I don't think it's asking too much.
I don't understand it, and it makes things all the more awkward. It's already been a good amount of time, but maybe it just needs some more time and that awkwardness will go away. Hopefully.
Trying to stay positive,
My one month mistake
I met this guy in November. Where did we meet? I believe it was a bar.
I don't even remember meeting him sad to say. How did it happen?
WHY did it happen? Don't get me wrong, I wasn't super drunk that I don't remember how we met. It just does not stand out in my mind at all.
So we hung out a few times.
On the first hang out we went running. The second hang out we went to a bar. Then on our third hang out we went to Starbucks. He proceeded to buy us both coffee with a gift card. I am not judging on that factor although I DO find that idea extremely tacky. After, he paid the majority of the bill. The remaining total 48 cents. He said, "You got that, right?" I said, "Of course." I then paid and thought he was a complete cheapass. I told ALL my friends about this incident.
On the fourth chill time we went for drinks. I put in money and he accepted.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a gold digger by any means. Maybe I sound like one to you now. Therefore, follow the directions listed to the left and click on the big 'X.' I'm not trying to defend myself as to why I'm not a gold digger.
I have gone on vacations with my former boyfriends and out to dinners where I gave money. I hook my man of the moment up. Concert tickets, Yankees vs. Red Socks games, staying out till all hours dancing in Mexico at non-tourist places, and Jets football games! Would I personally spend my money to go to a Jets game for myself? Heck NO! I did it out of love at the time.
I make money! Just in the start of a future relationship, you better be trying to put your best foot forward.
How much worse will he get if he is already acting bad?
On our last and final date this dude met my dog. If a guy meets my dog, consider this pretty serious. HaHa.. For real though I judge how my dog acts around my potentials. I got rid of this guy because he called my dog the ultimate cock block and didn't enjoy his company. Yes buddy, my six-pound dog blocked your ass because you have NO game. Chess players have more game than your pathetic ass.
Okay, so the main reason as to why I'm writing is because I heard from this guy again last night. I hear from him periodically. He kept trying to see me after the dog incident. There is a lot more to this story obviously, but I'm not putting it out there for the world to know my business. You are getting general information here. The introductory course on my dating life. I never will PUT all my business out there, or blog about new potential men. So, I heard from him on New Years Eve night! Thanks for thinking about me. He wanted to know what I was doing. I said what are you trying to invite me out because I'm OUT! It is NYE for crying out loud. And DaDaDunnnn. I heard from him last night...
He thinks about me when he is drunk. How sweet. You really shouldn't have.
Note* Convo starts at 10 p.m. and ends 10 a.m. the next morning.
Him: Hey nechance u wana go runnin tomm morning?
(Clear to see how drunk he is with all these errors. I'm by no means a spelling genius, but it is my pet peeve when a text is so poorly written.)
Me: Hey!! How are you what's up? I'm racing tomorrow in (insert town name here!!) Come to that!
(I had no clue who this was because I erased his number the second I decided I was done with him.)
Him: Good thnks. where's tht
Me: I'm sorry. Who is this? I might not have taken your number down
Him: Mh Y
I receive a phonecall at 1 a.m.!
Me: Please leave me alone. You didn't say who this is... It's way to late to be calling!!!! I'm getting up early!!!! If this is (insert name of different ex bf here) Don't care what you have to say!!!!
I didn't use his name... I used someone else's because at this point I still didn't know who it was.
Him: Hey!! How are you what's up? I'm racing tomorrow in (insert town) Come to that!
So it was clear to see he was copying and pasting our convo around.
Just send them to the blog! They can read all that went down here!
So I called him this morning at 10 a.m. I wanted to get to the bottom of who is calling/texting/bothering me.
Him: Hey really really sorry bout last night! dialed by mistake.. This is (Loser) from my town...
Me: Yeah grow up!
Him: Didn't you invite me to ur race
Me: Yea I thought you were a teammate!
I had no idea who it was, but I know no teammate would be senseless enough to call me at past one am.
Him: Oh
At first the realist didn't like the title of the blog. I think the title is the perfect fit. It is the glass slipper to cinderella's foot...
I wish he went to the race though. I decided not to go last minute because my foot was bothering me. It is better now.
So will this guy strike again? If he does, I will be sure to post. Important lesson to be learned: they always come back! Do not get upset if a guy lets you go for any reason or you let them go. They are never truly gone and ALWAYS come back. So, there never is any reason to get upset.
I also had this happen in October. It was a different guy. He texted and proceeded to call six times. I threatened him with the calling the cops.
The calls finally stopped. Why do people have to be so psycho? If I'm done with you, I'm done with you. You are yesterday's news. Onto the next one!
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
I don't even remember meeting him sad to say. How did it happen?
WHY did it happen? Don't get me wrong, I wasn't super drunk that I don't remember how we met. It just does not stand out in my mind at all.
So we hung out a few times.
On the first hang out we went running. The second hang out we went to a bar. Then on our third hang out we went to Starbucks. He proceeded to buy us both coffee with a gift card. I am not judging on that factor although I DO find that idea extremely tacky. After, he paid the majority of the bill. The remaining total 48 cents. He said, "You got that, right?" I said, "Of course." I then paid and thought he was a complete cheapass. I told ALL my friends about this incident.
On the fourth chill time we went for drinks. I put in money and he accepted.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a gold digger by any means. Maybe I sound like one to you now. Therefore, follow the directions listed to the left and click on the big 'X.' I'm not trying to defend myself as to why I'm not a gold digger.
I have gone on vacations with my former boyfriends and out to dinners where I gave money. I hook my man of the moment up. Concert tickets, Yankees vs. Red Socks games, staying out till all hours dancing in Mexico at non-tourist places, and Jets football games! Would I personally spend my money to go to a Jets game for myself? Heck NO! I did it out of love at the time.
I make money! Just in the start of a future relationship, you better be trying to put your best foot forward.
How much worse will he get if he is already acting bad?
On our last and final date this dude met my dog. If a guy meets my dog, consider this pretty serious. HaHa.. For real though I judge how my dog acts around my potentials. I got rid of this guy because he called my dog the ultimate cock block and didn't enjoy his company. Yes buddy, my six-pound dog blocked your ass because you have NO game. Chess players have more game than your pathetic ass.
Okay, so the main reason as to why I'm writing is because I heard from this guy again last night. I hear from him periodically. He kept trying to see me after the dog incident. There is a lot more to this story obviously, but I'm not putting it out there for the world to know my business. You are getting general information here. The introductory course on my dating life. I never will PUT all my business out there, or blog about new potential men. So, I heard from him on New Years Eve night! Thanks for thinking about me. He wanted to know what I was doing. I said what are you trying to invite me out because I'm OUT! It is NYE for crying out loud. And DaDaDunnnn. I heard from him last night...
He thinks about me when he is drunk. How sweet. You really shouldn't have.
Note* Convo starts at 10 p.m. and ends 10 a.m. the next morning.
Him: Hey nechance u wana go runnin tomm morning?
(Clear to see how drunk he is with all these errors. I'm by no means a spelling genius, but it is my pet peeve when a text is so poorly written.)
Me: Hey!! How are you what's up? I'm racing tomorrow in (insert town name here!!) Come to that!
(I had no clue who this was because I erased his number the second I decided I was done with him.)
Him: Good thnks. where's tht
Me: I'm sorry. Who is this? I might not have taken your number down
Him: Mh Y
I receive a phonecall at 1 a.m.!
Me: Please leave me alone. You didn't say who this is... It's way to late to be calling!!!! I'm getting up early!!!! If this is (insert name of different ex bf here) Don't care what you have to say!!!!
I didn't use his name... I used someone else's because at this point I still didn't know who it was.
Him: Hey!! How are you what's up? I'm racing tomorrow in (insert town) Come to that!
So it was clear to see he was copying and pasting our convo around.
Just send them to the blog! They can read all that went down here!
So I called him this morning at 10 a.m. I wanted to get to the bottom of who is calling/texting/bothering me.
Him: Hey really really sorry bout last night! dialed by mistake.. This is (Loser) from my town...
Me: Yeah grow up!
Him: Didn't you invite me to ur race
Me: Yea I thought you were a teammate!
I had no idea who it was, but I know no teammate would be senseless enough to call me at past one am.
Him: Oh
At first the realist didn't like the title of the blog. I think the title is the perfect fit. It is the glass slipper to cinderella's foot...
I wish he went to the race though. I decided not to go last minute because my foot was bothering me. It is better now.
So will this guy strike again? If he does, I will be sure to post. Important lesson to be learned: they always come back! Do not get upset if a guy lets you go for any reason or you let them go. They are never truly gone and ALWAYS come back. So, there never is any reason to get upset.
I also had this happen in October. It was a different guy. He texted and proceeded to call six times. I threatened him with the calling the cops.
The calls finally stopped. Why do people have to be so psycho? If I'm done with you, I'm done with you. You are yesterday's news. Onto the next one!
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
Swing "In" P
I was super upset. Last week his class was replaced with another class.
All was well this week in the world. He was back and rocking out in full force.
I even saw the guy today! It is hard to tell how old he is. He can be any where from mid 30s to 57. He is one of those. The man has such sex appeal.
I wish I can put a video clip up here.
But I do not need to be sued in this lifetime.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
All was well this week in the world. He was back and rocking out in full force.
I even saw the guy today! It is hard to tell how old he is. He can be any where from mid 30s to 57. He is one of those. The man has such sex appeal.
I wish I can put a video clip up here.
But I do not need to be sued in this lifetime.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Friday, April 8, 2011
Online dating email of the day
"hi baby you are very beautiful anyway how are you doing? sweety you sound very interesting . my name is malik am from african please i will like to be your friend . i know you need love and care."
I..... thanks?
Trying to stay positive,
"Where's my wheelchair?"
That’s exactly what I said to some hottie. I know it’s a strange thing to say. It definitely does not sound attractive. It’s a terrible pickup line. And it probably won’t get any guy to sleep with me (unless he is 80 years old, which we all know I can still get them!).
But that phrase got me and Mr. Sexy talking.
I did not just pick any strange thing to say, although I am known not to hold back. I did not want to sound like a fool to this yummy piece of meat and lose any chance of devouring him. Allow me to explain my rationale for saying this statement.
Some background: the man that I am referring to works at an arena in which I report to work some games. I see him at every game with a wheelchair. The Disbeliever and I both like him. Hearts must be floating above our heads when we see him. We would talk amongst each other about how hot he is. This did not do us any good. It just made me want to rip his usher suit off him every time I saw him. It’s torture because there is a norm called professionalism that people follow, apparently.
Nevertheless, something had to be done about this situation. Talking about him all the time, but never talking to him, did not help any. I can’t possibly go on the whole season not saying a word to him. I had to take advantage of my days at work. I had one season to make things progress. For the good of the blog.
One faithful day at work, I said to myself that I will say something to him, no matter how ridiculous. I just could not take it anymore.
“Where’s my wheelchair?” I blurted out.
“Right here!” He smiled.
OMG. I had so many teenybopper thoughts jumping around in my head. “He talked to me! He knows I exist!”
When I told the Disbeliever that I broke the ice with him, she was in disbelief.
It probably took me no more than the fifth day of seeing him at work for me to speak up. I can’t keep things in. If a girl likes a guy, she needs to say it. I think guys like when a girl makes the first moves because it makes it easier for them. Some may fear rejection or be too shy, so they keep their mouths zipped. Sometimes girls have to “man up.”
The wheelchair conversation (my question and his reply) went on for a few more days. There really was not much time to say more than that because we were both busy. The more I said the phrase, however, the naughtier his responses. ;)
“Where’s my wheelchair?”
“I’ll put you in this wheelchair!”
Another day, I saw him standing all sexy by himself against the wall. I was walking toward him and I kept looking at him until we made eye contact. Connection established.
“I really need a wheelchair. My legs hurt,” I said, bending down and rubbing my quads.
He bent down to take a gander. It looked like he was going to touch them. God, I wish he did.
“I’ll wheel you around!”
You wheel me right-round, baby, right round.
I said to myself that I need to step it up even more. This needs to progress. I consulted with the Disbeliever on what to say next time. We came up with a list of questions and decided that the next thing to ask is his recommendations for places to hang out after work in the hood. This would give us a clue if he lives in the area. Above all, it is a sneaky way of indirectly giving him the hint to hang out after work.
Ladies, see how it’s done.
“Hey, do you know any good places to hang out around here after work?”
He named one bar and told a story about some kind of fight that he saw. That does not sound like a good place to go. He talked for about five minutes— enough time for me to read his name tag and to be in laalaa land.
“I just moved to (city in which he and I work) so I am looking for some places to go.” (I am letting him know where I live and he will most likely reciprocate with where he lives.)
He almost hit the ceiling when he found out that I live in the same city as he does.
Already, we have something in common. I should invite him to my housewarming party. ;)
From then on, conversations started progressing. Rather than me say something first, now he is the one initiating conversation, whether it is a smile or a few words. I don’t remember what he says because he is just too dang hot! It doesn’t matter. “It’s all good in da hood!” as I said to him.
Now we are at the point where he will surprise me with a touch on my back that gives me the shivers. He also invited me to some place, but I was not sure if it was the name of a bar or if it was his home address. He also gave me part of his phone number when I was actually asking a customer for his phone number. I remember the first six numbers.
I am very proud of the progression. It took an entire season to get to this level, but each day at work was a step above the previous day. It is not necessary to say something outrageous to get a guy’s attention. However, if the phrase is a joke or relates to the person, go ahead and say it. It also shows a girl’s sense of humor and gives the guy a glimpse of her personality. It’s more memorable than the meek “hi.”
There are a few more games until the end of the season. What should I say to him now to move things along? I do not expect anything to come out of this as far as a relationship. I don’t see myself dating him, but I am totally open to hanging out. Banging would be a bonus. ;)
I know…once you go black, you’ll never go back.
Keepin’ it real,
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sexual Talk
My biggest pet peeve is listed below:
I hate when guys talk sexually before you even get to that point.
I do not want any kind of sexual talk before the actual act happens. It is the ulimate turn off! Even if I'm into the guy, I will come screeching to a halt.
Men, I will break this down for you in simple terms. It is not safe to talk sexually to a female until you actually do the deed with her.
Exception to the rule, if she brings it up first.
You might impress some women by whipping out your magnums, but not this girl.
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
My biggest pet peeve is listed below:
I hate when guys talk sexually before you even get to that point.
I do not want any kind of sexual talk before the actual act happens. It is the ulimate turn off! Even if I'm into the guy, I will come screeching to a halt.
Men, I will break this down for you in simple terms. It is not safe to talk sexually to a female until you actually do the deed with her.
Exception to the rule, if she brings it up first.
You might impress some women by whipping out your magnums, but not this girl.
<3 Disbeliver disbelieving 24/7
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Mixing work and pleasure (and a new poll!)
To kick things off on this topic, allow me to share the results from last week's poll:
Trying to stay positive,
While this isn't exactly a scientific poll, I'm very happy so many people participated! Looks like most people are split between avoiding it altogether or going for it as long as the two of you don't work together directly.
I used to be of the camp that work and love do not mix, period. I was always very sensitive about my work reputation, and worried about the disaster that could take place if something didn't work out. But I have to say, the older I get, the more I think that opportunities to meet a lot of intelligent, gainfully employed, eligible guys are limited, and if I have access to such a pool of men at work every day, why would I automatically eliminate the pool with no exceptions just because I think it might be weird in the chance that something actually goes somewhere and then just so happens that it doesn't work? I still think it needs to be done carefully, but I think I'm much more open to it now.
This wasn't inspired necessarily by a specific case. Well... not entirely. Okay, so maybe there is someone I would like to get to know better. Despite the nudging of co-workers, however, that is about as far as my interest currently goes. He was very nice to me by introducing himself to me, and I like that, so I wanted to know more. Am I ready to just dive in and ask him out? No, and I don't think that's the right next thing to do. I think THAT is what leads to the awkwardness. But what I WILL do is chat with him now and then and see if a friendship develops. And we'll go from there. If at any point he turns out to be a creep, no harm done, right? We're just work acquaintances. Yeah, you're right, it's a little wimpy and maybe too safe. I guess that's just how I roll. Taking this pressure off makes it a lot easier for me to talk to the guy, though. I am the world's biggest chicken, after all.
So enough about that. I have something else on my mind now. Which brings me to my next poll. Once we see some results for this one, I'll write a little. See how this works?
Trying to stay positive,
Who am I kidding? I love the single life!
April Fools!
I put myself as "in a relationship" on Facebook for the good of the blog. It was a very interesting experiment with compelling data. Seven out of eight people who "liked" my status were female (one is gay). Also, all but one commenter were female. What’s the deal, guys? You’re not happy for me?
I was a little taken aback that no guys "liked" it. I thought it was kind of mean. I also sensed a jealous vibe. What do you make of this social experiment?
Keepin’ it real,
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