True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Three-way Date

The Realist and Disbeliever met a guy last weekend on our way to white water rafting. He talked to us on the train about: Costa Rica, wine, school, his condo, his job, his tattoos, and family. That was all within a 20-minute train ride. We exchanged numbers. 

During the week~ A little texting back and forth. Nothing too extreme. 

The Realist and I hung out with him last week. He said he would arrange a table for us. Only we could do something this outlandish "for the good of the blog." Let me tell you, we felt like we were on some dating TV show. We went to his job at a really nice restaurant on the patio. He is a waiter. He saved us a table. He ordered everything for us, without us picking. It was a surprise. AND- there was sangria waiting for us! (We never told him how much we love sangria. I guess we give off the sangria vibe.) We had: two glasses of sangria, mussels, some veggie dumplings, and calamari. The food was EXCELLENT! But the Realist had to tell him she doesn't eat meat. So he gets us seafood. She still couldn't eat that. She didn't want to be mean, so she politely told him she does not like calamari and he got her some veggie dumplings. Disbeliever had to put some mussels on her plate to make it look like she ate some. 

The Disbeliever always get into these should-be date type situations with the Realist! We had a great time without it actually being a date. So we enjoyed our food and drinks as all the wait staff was super attentive to our table. Different guys kept checking up on our table: We were left wondering: Who is going to pay for our bill? Which one of us does this guy like? Is this not the strangest thing ever? Do people think we are lesbians? So, the Costa Rican gets off of work and joins our table. He ate some of our food and put in half for the check. We each put in 30 for the bill. 

It was strange! Was that a threesome date? Is that what they do in Costa Rica? We should go and visit the natives to find out. Is Costa Rica all that it's hyped up to be? He says the same things to us! He would take whomever. He is not sure if any of us like him. What was that?! A guy takes both of us on a date, but it was like he paid for the Realist and Disbeliever to date together!

Then we went to a bar. We talked about how guys do not know how to treat ladies these days. He pulled out the chair for both of us! We felt like we were on elimi-date or a bachelorette two-on-one. He purchased all of our drinks here and kept them coming. Did he think he was going to have a threesome with us? Do we give off that vibe? Our conversation was a lot based upon: music, food,  him bragging about how rich his family is, cows, (that is how his family is so rich in Costa Rica) surfing, long boarding, schooling, cooking, and him getting a driving license. He has been out here for six months. He purchased a condo, but does not have a license. In between our convo he would say in Costa Rica a zillion times. "Oh, you guys went whitewater rafting. You should try it in Costa Rica In Costa Rica surfing is the best. In Costa Rica I have land. In Costa Rica I have cows. In Costa Rica the bars close at 4am. In Costa Rica I party until dawn. In Costa Rica beer is like water. In Costa Rica.." You get the drift.

He also wanted to do lunch with us the next day again! He purchased all of our drinks at the bar. At 4am the Disbeliever had to drop this guy off at a train station and his "friend" was on the way to pick him up. Good friend! When she dropped him off no one was in sight. Did he sit around waiting for the first AM train or really have a friend on the way to get him at 4 a.m.!?

But he did have great qualities for a youngin'. We loved the fact that he brought up how men do not know how to treat women. W-O-W! We wondered if he was acting/saying all that stuff just to get with one-or-both of us. But there's no way to tell. The Realist was turned off when he asked me where he can get MORE drinks. It was 2 am! This is not Costa Rica! We hated when he was talking about how rich he is and about all the property he owns in Costa Rica. He won't be in the states for long. He loves Costa Rica too much for its drinking lifestyle. Bottom line: he is looking for a wife to take home to Costa Rica...with his cows.

What we really like about him:
1. Seems to be a gentleman
2. Can cook
3. Claims to be neat
4. Nice body
5. He pulled our chairs out! (This is so rare, gentlemen. I don't care if it is 2012. Equal rights~ Whatever~  Pull out a chair out once in awhile for a lady! I think it is such a nice gesture.)
6. Good hobbies- very adventurist and athletic
7. Good conversation- not a pervert
8. Seemed genuine

Our dislikes:
1. Wasn't that funny
2. Strange situation. What is this guy doing? Is he trying to play us right in front of our faces?
3. Here today gone tomorrow
4. Drinks too much
5. Will probably move back to Costa Rica soon

If he only knew we had a dating blog.... If he only knew... Only in Costa Rica!

<3 Disbeliever Disbelieving 24/7
Keepin it real,

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