Some highlights that I really like from July's issue are: "Rihanna Exposed" (p. 32). Her type of guy is hot and hung. I guess we know about Chris's Brown size now haha. "I'm open to love, but guys should have to earn it. The minute they get it, they want something else. Men are hunters; they like the chase. So you have to keep them guessing."
Thank you Miss RiRi I plan on doing just that. Also, she goes onto to say: "If a guy texts me or says something and he's trying to be all slick. I would never entertain it. I think. That's bullshit. It's just an act." Damn girl you sound a lot like me. Want to be friends?
Moving on to "What Guys Notice First About You" (p. 37) by Captain America former gossip girl star Sebastian Stan.
- Luscious Locks
- A BIG laugh (That is definately me. I do not censor my laugh.)
- The things you carry with you
- Your favorite type of drink
- Your pucker
- A pair of skyscapers (wear heels ladies)
- A sultry strut
- Perfect posture
- The company you keep
- Hips don't lie
Want kids? "A New Clue to His Fertility" (p. 53)
Anogential distance plays a big part of how fertile a guy is. Next time you're "down there", measure this distance. Whip out a ruler or a credit card as pictured in the magazine. Your measuring the length between his anus and back of testicles.
Here is some random facts taken from page 53.
54 percent of single guys say they've had sex with a girl who was "just a friend" in the past year. If you're boinking, that is more than just a friend. Just saying! Get it right, Cosmo.
Guys wish their sex life was more spontaneous (33 %); kinky (23%); frequent (23%); and sensual (21%).
"Why Guys Don't Make Grand Gestures" (p. 56)
I loved this quote by Isaiah Mustafa: "Any man who tuned in to your needs is someone who's worth having around." So simple of a quote, yet I love it nevertheless.
OMG! OMG! OMG! "Water Gods" (p. 93) The guy on page 93 is so smoking hot! I ripped him out of the magazine, so what if I feel 16 again! I'm hoping to meet him on the beach this summer. I like him because he looks super althetic. He also looks like he could be able to keep up with me. YUMMY times a million.
"Talk so He'll listen (and Listen So He'll talk)" (p. 99) I'm not in a relationship so I really don't care about this article. Even if I was in a 'ship it is super basic. Couples tend to speak in code to each other. So often they misunderstand what the other person is trying to talk about. Assuming you share a brain. Self-other merging is the scientific term for it. After you've been together for awhile, a couple tends to think the other person thinks like them. Ignoring your body. Missing out on body language because you're focusing on other things needed to be done.
See it is BORING! Why did I even write about this?
This is a good one: "Think Twice about Friending Your Guy" (p. 100)
I agree 100% don't friend someone you're friends with benfiting, "hanging out with," dating, your boyfriend/girlfriend, or smooching. I'm not even friends with any of my exs. No need. So why not friend them? Statuses get misinterpreted; you lose a sense of mystery; wall posts can cause paranoia; tt's too easy (saying "I love you" on Facebook is not like saying it in person, obiviously). I'm a big fan of not being Facebook friends with potentials.
"The Sexiest Spots to Touch Him During Sex" (p.102) Really, Cosmo? For the millionth time! A comparison was done on sexual anatomy comparing a female part to the male part. In the womb we start out with many common tissues and numbers of nerve endings. Think of his shaft like the curve of your breast. Think of his testicles like your nipples. Think of the base of his penis like your pubic mound. Think of the head of his penis like your clitoris. Think of his perineum like your g-spot.
"Ask Him Anything" (p. 122) During the past few dates I've been told that I'm "intimidating." What does that mean when a guys says that? I said wow sounds like me only I get "Independent." They said she is giving off a bitchy vibe. Definately not me. I just march to the beat of my own drum. If guys can't handle it, little miss independent will move on. What else can I tell you?
"50 Things You Never Should Have Stopped Doing" (p. 124) I still do a lot of them! That is why I'm so young at <3. I'll give you some wonderful examples: Dressing festively for the fourth of July or any holiday. Making plans for Saturday night on Saturday night. Keeping a list of every boy you've fooled around with... the more juicey the deets you include, the better your hiding place should be.
"The Scary New Oral-Sex Risk" (p. 144) Scientist have found a link between hooking up and cancer. Just as HPV is passed though direct skin contact during intercourse, it is spread the same way during oral sex.
Finally, I want those bright ass yellow sunglasses featured on page 171.
How fun~
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
Wow you did your homework! Too bad this isn't being graded!
ReplyDeleteRiRi is right. Men like the chase. You have to keep them on their toes! They have to earn this. :)
I agree that potentials should not be Facebook friends. There is temptation to stalk. However, at least you can see if the person has any commonalities. It is cheating though. I like meetings to be organic. But we live in the social networking age. Facebook is a better way of scouting potentials as opposed to those online dating sites. What about when you are already friends before dating? If I were not friends with my man before dating, I don't think I'd want to add him. But then again, I was not friends with my last one and he was shady! He was hiding me. I had to spy on Pinhead's page and I was never mentioned! So in a way, it's probably "safer" to be friends...unless the guy is super trustworthy but I don't trust them. If you break up, you can just defriend. I am friends with one ex and I reallllllllllllly didn't want to! He wanted to start hanging out again. I don't want any contact with exs! I just blocked him from all my pictures and most statuses hahaha! They are out of my life and don't need to be kept in it!
I have also been called "intimidating" by just about every guy I've ever been with. I even mentioned that in therapy! Haha it really bothered me. The guys were praising me for my accomplishments. That's nice, but I thought they were jealous. They could have been genuine, so maybe it was my cognitive distortion. I just saw a pattern with the guys I've dated. It's as if they could not "compete" with me any more, so they left. Competitiveness is in their nature. Guys generally want to be the dominant, powerful one in a relationship. I think they were threatened by me... as if I was trying to steal their thunder. I don't need theirs. I went all tornado on them!