Hi blogger ladies,
Something strange happened to two of my friends on the same day, both of whom were scheduled for first (blind) dates via online dating. Both guys contacted them on the day of or before the date saying something to the effect of "I met someone/ex-gf over the weekend and it looks like we're getting back together. So I'm canceling our date." After verifying that this was not indeed the same guy blowing off two different girls, it begs the question - ARE THEY DUMPING US BEFORE THEY EVEN MEET US? All though we had a laugh over email, this is just nuts! Thought it might be a fun blog topic. Oh the joys of online dating :)
Disbeliever writes:
I agree that this is a definite fun topic to write about. The first thing I thought while reading it is that it has to be the same guy! How do you really verify for a fact? Maybe he has four different phones: a business line, a personal line, and two different online dating phones.
I don't put anything past guys these days! Tell your friends no need to fret. These guys are what we call Netglows. Urban Dictionary sent this word to my phone today. I immediately thought of online dating.
What is a Netglow?
The answer to the question is something or someone that is better online than in real life. They made themselves out to be fortune 500 top executives online. In actuality, they are playing video games in their mother's basement.
Avoid online dating like the plague. Close out your accounts! Your time will come when you least expect it.
<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7
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