The lights do a quick flash across the bar. It’s as if lightning struck the head of this guy at the bar, turning on the light bulb that gives him the crazy idea to talk to me.
Somehow he crosses the invisible circle of my friends and starts dancing with me. He broke the law. I shake my head, roll my eyes, and do a whole bunch of other gestures to my friends behind his back. They laugh because they predicted that this would happen. If I took a bet that this same scenario would occur every time that I went out, I would be a millionaire.
I am certainly a millionaire when it comes to attracting elders because I’ve gotten a million of these sugar daddies!
It’s a given that when I go out with my friends, I will be the one to always get the old men. I hate it. I don’t know why they always pick me. Why do they want young girls? They probably want to prove to themselves and to their friends that they “still got it.” Do they actually think that I would go for them? These guys are 10 years older than me! Give up already!
On the other extreme, I also have had my share of getting guys that are too young. I prefer them over the elders though. But I can never get the middle ground—the guys who are my age or a few years older than me. In fact, I do not have any friends, or know any guys my age. Were no males born in my year? I see plenty of guys my age at bars. That is where they stay— at the bar. They need to be reeled away. I have actually done the reeling in motion to them…maybe that is why they don’t bite. Seriously though, I’ll make eye contact with them and even approach them and say something that is outrageous or as bold as “How you doin’?" I’ve tried both approaches. They freeze. I guess I scared them.
This leads me to believe that they are too afraid to approach girls. It just comes off that they are dull bowling pins that would not budge with a 12 lb. ball coming at them 30 MPH. It’s impossible to get a strike. Spare me! OK enough of the jokes.
Guys my age have well over three strikes. (I couldn’t help it.) They are so insecure and are afraid to take risks. This leaves me to do the work. But if he can’t approach me to say “Hi”, then how can he have the guts to do anything else?
I have done some psychoanalysis of youngens, middles, and elders when it comes to risk-taking. Specifically, simply when approaching a girl. Apparently it is not that simple.
Youngens (0-22): They are in the exploration stage. Risk-taking and sensation-seeking best describes them. Nothing scares them-- not even rejection. They have plenty of time to develop their schmoozing skills. They give out their numbers freely as if they were business cards (call me for a good time!). They have nothing to lose…except their virginity. By the way, you are a sick person if you date a zero-year old, you pedophile.
Middles (23-45): They are in limbo. They are afraid of rejection, lack confidence, and are insecure. Because they have been rejected before as youngen, they are afraid to get rejected again like the elders. They’d rather wait until a girl makes the move. Reality is, she has already made a move— moving to the beat with her butt grinding against some guy’s balls who was ballsy enough to make the first move because he actually has balls!
Elders (46 and over the hill): They are similar to the youngens in taking risks, except they will ask anything with boobs. They have been on the prowl for such a long time that rejection no longer affects them. They also have nothing to lose. The difference is their motive for approaching girls. Getting attention from younger girls enhances their self-esteem and proves themselves that they still have what it takes to be Macho Man.
I think that guys, regardless of their category, need a little bit from all these age groups. For the youngens, being too free-spirited may lead to not wanting to commit, or even cheating. The elders need to seek age-appropriate bars in order to have a better success rate of being taken seriously. The middles need a little bit of balls from both the youngens and elders (figuratively speaking).
Keepin' it real,
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