True stories about dating that will make you shake your head in disbelief!

Once upon a time there was a Disbeliever, Realist, and Skeptic. They were all on the quest of finding love. We are a must-read for those in the dating realm who are confused, frustrated, in love, or happily single! How will their stories end? Stay tuned for their stories.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

No "I'm sorry" here...


There is nothing wrong with telling a guy exactly how it is!!
I'm a B-O-O-M in your face type person. It is great because I say exactly what's on my mind. Nothing is censored. It's my personality type. I can not change it and would never want to. I was never left wondering how a guy was feeling, or what he was thinking. I ask it flat out. I do not get embarrassed easily at all.
Take it or leave it.

Bye-bye to you if:

If I'm sitting bored. You're out!
If you're cheap.You're out!
If you're conversation skills suck. You're out!
If you're not friendly. You're out!
If you smell bad. You're out!
If you drink tooo much. You're out!
If you're a wack ass. You're out!
If you smoke anything. You're out!
If your a know-it-all. You're out!
If you can't talk feelings. You're out!
& much much more!

No better day than today boys. Wake up and become MEN!
I'm not looking for a clam.
I'm not looking for a texting pen pal.
I'm look for a S~I~N~G~L~E man who can handle honesty and be open.

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7

Monday, November 21, 2011

Deeper confession

This weekend Y was actually nice.  Nice, in that he actually didn't avoid me like I was a horrible person who had done something horrible to him, but instead actually asked me how I was feeling after the race.  That was it.

I know that's all I ever really asked for--I just wished he could treat me like a teammate again.  And all weekend I was relieved, and happy that maybe finally the weirdness would go away and it wouldn't be painfully uncomfortable to be around each other.

But today... well, the pangs came back.  You know, the ones we never will admit that we get, but they do resurface from time to time when we realize that things really aren't that much better now than they were in the past, despite any efforts we've made to pick ourselves up or find happiness somewhere else.  They'll go away again soon, but for right now... damnit.

Trying to stay positive,

Confession, just because there isn't much else to post about

Last night I had a dream about Spiderman from work.  We were going on a date, but there was a bunch of stuff in his car, so I had to share a seat with him.  For a moment it was kind of hot, but the dream moved on.  Not much else happened in the dream--I guess the date was kind of boring, but there was something about him.  I guess that's kind of like real life--he's not super exciting, or tremendously good-looking or anything, but there's just something oddly appealing about him.  I wouldn't go out of my way to ask him out, but if he asked me out, I would accept.  Make sense?  The dream was G-rated, but when I saw him this morning, I still felt all embarrassed, as if he could somehow know that he had crept into my subconscious.

Ever happen to you?  Anyone?  Buehler?  Just me?  All right, then.

Trying to stay positive,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Relationship "Pacing"

A friend of mine gave me the idea for this post.  Obviously we all have different "paces" for our romantic relationships. That is especially the case with this friend and me, although I think that's what makes our friendship interesting--our different perspectives help us to see different ways to look at things, and they always make for interesting stories to share with each other.  Anyway, what she brought up today is there are different layers to the relationship "pace."  We may also have very different opinions about how quickly to dive into the physical aspect of dating, how quickly to move our relationship onto Facebook, and how quickly to become exclusive, or "serious," or whatever you want to call it.  And so!  I think this calls for a poll!  Or... a couple of polls! Vote, enjoy, and tell your friends to do the same!

Trying to stay positive,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mumble Jumble

My Israeli friend is out! Her question to me is: "Why are American guys such losers?" I have no idea how to answer this question. If someone has the answer to this please let me know. It is definitely true!
Can't even fight that remark for the good of the country!
If I were to go though my dating history I have the record of finding the worst guys possible. Is that why I have been single for over the past 2 years? Possibly YES! Her advice to me is to expand my circles. I really have to broaden my horizon. I'm around the same people a lot of the times.
What should I do to find fresh meat? Nooo I don't actively seek out men..
Just tired of the same places and types of guys.

A piece of fruit made the skeptic happy! Men it is time to really step it up here. Why should a girl be so in shock to receive a piece of fruit? It is a nice gesture, but was he unloading lunch? Just trying to be nice? Is there another reason? Very sly move. He has to be more direct, although it is a work situation. Is he testing the waters? After all, it was just a piece of fruit.

My ideas on facebook... I'll post to people.. Guess what? It means absolutely nothing! It is just facebook.... Same goes for online, texting, and instant messaging. I'm talking to a lot of people this way. Your talking to a lot of people this way too. It is not a personal way of communication. The only personal way of communication is face to face time. Everything else doesn't matter. To summarize: I mean nothing by my facebook, instant messages, and texting comments!!!

Girls he is just not that into you if... he doesn't ask you out after a month.
I will give a guy a month for exclusive status. That's it... To string a person along is never sexy and neither is checking up on them. If a guy is truly interested he would jump at the chance to be with you. Even if he worked 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He would find the time. Otherwise, He is Just Not That Into You. (Amazing book. Everyone should read it males/females. Doesn't matter!)

I went on a date with this guy.. He said I really want to make this work with you blah blah blah... Called and texted... I just wasn't that into you... Sorry you had the world's worst first date idea ever. I won't post it here, but it was terrible! I still can't get over that terrible date! Ask me for details if your curious.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE gay guys! I find them super attractive. I realize I never stand a chance. They care about style and have such a great personality.I can get a tattoo of a penis on my vagina. Will it be enough for a gay male? Joking people. Yes, this is a complete generalization, but guess what....I'm writing and your reading!

Livingsocial or group on need to offer dating 101 classes.
I can dissect what you guys are doing wrong! Until then wise up, and get a clue.

<3 Disbeliever disbelieving 24/7

Friday, November 11, 2011

On the bright (orange) side...

Spiderman gave me an orange on his way out today (I call him that because a co-worker once thought he looked a little like Tobey Maguire from the 2002 movie.  I don't see it, but I like the nickname).  I found this incredibly sweet!  My level of interest in this guy goes up and down--I really know very little about him, but he's very nice and friendly, and one of the few people at work who actually came to introduce himself to me (people never do this).  I guess niceness really makes a huge difference with me, at least at first.

Maybe he was just unloading the leftovers of his lunch.  But I found it very sweet.  Happy Friday!

Trying to stay positive,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hmm, if you creep up on me in the parking lot, I might have to whip out my pepper spray.

They say that you should "stop looking for a man and just do the things you love."  They also say that you need to look no further than the things you do every day to meet people and can find men everywhere.

But what if the things I love are inherently... well, girly? I've been thinking about extra-curricular activities I could do to have some fun and get out of the house once in a while, and the best ideas I have (in terms of things I love) are things like art classes, cooking classes, dance, etc.  Although I will have an awesome time, something tells me I'm not going to meet all sorts of men doing these things.

Unless they share a parking lot with a Gold's Gym or a Hooters or something.  I'm just sayin.'

Seriously, where are you dudes hanging out all the time?  Perhaps we can find a middle ground somewhere between the cooking school and Hooters.  What would that be...

Trying to stay positive,